Linguistic Intelligence: Linguistic intelligence is commonly referred to as being "word smart." If you have linguistic intelligence, you are probably very good when it comes to understanding and manipulating words, letters, and phrases. People who are word smart love to read, play word games, and write down notes and stories. They also like to discuss information actively with others. Study Tips: If you possess linguistic intelligence, try taking detailed notes when you are reading or working on the internet. Keep a personal journal of what you learn, describing what you think about different issues related to learning topics. You might also try creating and using flash cards in order to memorize materials. Logical/Mathematical:
Intelligence Logical/mathematical intelligence is sometimes referred to as being "number smart." If you are number smart, you work well with numbers and equations, as well as logic problems. People with logical/mathematical intelligence are also capable of coming up with effective solutions for complex problems. Study Tips: If you possess a lot of logical/mathematical intelligence, try making charts or graphs of the information you have learned. Classify and categorize your notes when you are studying or organize class materials according to importance to help you stay on task. Spatial Intelligence:
People who possess spatial intelligence are often referred to as being "picture smart." If you have spatial intelligence, you are excellent when it comes to creativity, art, and drawing. You also learn best when you are able to express your ideas visually. Study Tips: Spatial learners should make use of their love of pictures when studying. Try creating pictures to represent certain terms or concepts from your class material. Sketch pictures alongside your