To study a group that directly does not want to be in a group can be a challenge itself. Luckily I happen to have first hand experience. The three main types of outsider are social awkward one, the floater, and the determined outsider(Kelly). I am probably closest to the floater with a little bit of awkward one.
In my experience to be a floater one has to be close enough so that multiple groups know their name but most of them know but not close enough so that when any of them do anything they do not remember to invite them along. So for example the group of soccer kids that I would play will in the fall on the school team would go and do soccer in the sand or an indoor league I would never be invite even after asking to be invite but they would be friendly when they had to like in chemistry class. Floater do not choose to float but often have reason and why they can not commit all their time to one group for me it was usually my parents since my mom was involved in the school system I …show more content…
was attending she usually knew who the bad kids where and who they talked to so if I wanted to go somewhere I would have to ask her and she would usually respond with who will be their I would proceed to list off all the people I could recall and if they all passed my mom's test then she would let me go if not which happen more often than I like I would have to stay home and find something else to do. To sum up floaters do not choose to float but are usually restricted in some manner to prevent them from being part of one group.
Furthermore the little part of me that is awkward I do not blame myself for.
I recall hearing somewhere as a kid that young adult are struggling to hold a face to face conversation and yes they did blame technology. So smart little me wanted to avoid that thus I then tried to talk to my father for about half an hour once a day. Now I can easily hold conversations with people about 27 or older but when I try to talk to anyone younger it feels awkward. Otherwise Socially awkward outsider people tend to think that their is something wrong with them usually mentally. From my experience the socially awkward people are too different for whoever they are trying to communicate with and they feel so much pressure to relax that they end up doing the opposite so instead of fighting through the awkward moments they will choose flight instead and thus becoming an outsider. They usually want to make friends but feel too much pressure to relax to the point where most friendships are
Since I am not much of a determined outsider I went seeking for one to try and understand them better luckily enough my best friend happens to be one. People tend to think that floater are judgemental, jump to conclusion, and are ignorant. Since he is my best friend I have spent a lot of time with him and I have learn that he might be a little judgemental but that due to the fact that he know “‘You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with’”(Groth). Since he want to be the best he tries to surround him with the best. He is also a low tolerance type of guy so yes if someone he knows smoke pot once it is likely that he will not talk to them by choice in the next couple of months until he knows they are clean and no longer smoking. It is not that he does not want to be around people it is more that he want to be the best he can be(Dihn).
Overall it not that outsider are trying to be outsider they just have different goal than other people, or they just never became good enough friends with anyone to not be an outsider, or couldn’t find the ability to relax and choose flight instead. Work Cited
Groth, Aimee. Business Insider. N.p., 24 July 2012. Web. 24 June 2016.
Kelly, John. Lifestyle. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 June 2016.
Dinh, Joe. Personal interview 20 Jun. 2016