Types of Paragraphs
There are three main types of paragraphs:
1. Narrative
2. Descriptive
3. Expository
The Narrative Paragraph
This type of paragraph describes one primary topic and narrates or tells its story
This topic usually involves one main event, adventure, scene, or happening.
Tips for Writing a Narrative Paragraph:
1. Start with a topic sentence that grabs the reader's attention. 2. Write events in the order in which they occurred.
3. Use plenty of interesting details.
The paragraph provides lots of detail but stays on topic.
Start your narrative paragraph with a strong topic sentence and beginning:
"This past weekend I had the time of my life. First,
Friday night, I had my best friend over and we made a delicious, mouth-watering pizza. After we ate, we had a friendly video game competition."
When talking about the weekend, the paragraph starts with the first day.
Use transition words to move from event to event:
"On Saturday, my dad took us out on the boat. The weather was perfect and the water was warm. It was a great day to go for a swim. Later that night, we went to the movies. We saw an action-packed thriller and ate a lot of popcorn."
Do you see how the bolded words move the narrative naturally from one thing to the next-
End your detailed description with a good concluding sentence: "Finally, on Sunday, we rode our bikes all over town.
By the end of the day, my legs were very tired. I only hope that next weekend can be as fun as this one."
This paragraph keeps everything in order and gives lots of detail about one thing: the weekend.
The Descriptive Paragraph
When writing this type of paragraph, you describe something with words that allow your reader almost to "see" what you're describing. Use strong verbs and colorful adjectives in a Descriptive
Verb Examples (action words): run, leap, shout, fly
Adjective Examples (describe nouns): smelly, disgusting, and gigantic