- The Amish way of life is hundreds of years old but is still around today, most commonly in
Pennsylvania America. The Amish have very religious based views and have a greatly community based lifestyle. These people lead a remarkably basic and traditional life, this of course is an extreme difference to today’s modern society.
- In the Amish community the families are very close connected. Usually a teen boy and girl are allowed on a date in a horse drawn cart for a ride together, things like this would be repeated and these two children would most likely be wed. For me getting a date with someone usually requires …show more content…
These weddings are usually held during November on a Tuesday or Thursday in a time frame, which is relevant to farming seasons. The children in the
Amish society would be occupied with householdchores, farming or business work after school. In my situation being the youngest child and what-not meant that i would commonly know as the most spoilt. Which, means household chores are non-existent in my life and are pretty much done by my parents, but i still have chores to do around the house but there is no strict schedule to stick to, for example whenever i see something that needs to be done such as the dishes or washing i will pretty much help out where i can. In the household, gender is treated rather differently in Amish society, it basically sums up the hierarchy, of the Amish day to day life. The leadership of the Amish is similar to the way i live at home. with my father being the only male figure in my household he often comes and goes for work to support us. But when my father is away the house becomes pretty female dominant of the household, having my two older sister, my mother and myself running the house, when my dad is at work. living in an urban town means that there are no farming chores to be …show more content…
In my life my decisions are made by me and my parents might have a slight input, but the decisions are to help me learn, not all of my decisions will be right but if i make a mistake i will learn from it, and grown as a person from there on. The Amish Society is based upon cooperation and the set of rules called the Ordnung which provides the community with order, discipline, rules, arrangements, organizations, and a system to follow, which removes most motives of conflict.The main occurrence of conflict in the Amish community would be the shunning of those who break baptismal vows, the
Amish see the media in moderation, which could also cause some conflict to arise (but this hardly happens). In my world there is so much conflict ranging from, robbery to abuse/assault to sometimes murder, these conflicts happen as almost an everyday issue in my society. When it comes to cooperation in the Amish community they are pretty much one huge family, for example they all come together for the raising of the barns where the males would do the hard work of the