CGD 218 Visual Literacy in Business
Instructor: Erika McCulloch
Pamela Smith
October 20, 2011
Communication has always played an important role in human culture all over the globe. At the heart of communication is the use of typography. Typography gives people a way to communicate through various forms of type and can connect students, family, friends, businesses and governments all while supporting local and global commerce. Berger(2008) states “typography is a highly skilled art and plays an important role in shaping the way people respond to printed matter.” (page102) “Typefaces vary greatly – they have different looks and different meanings for people. Certain typefaces are very formal and elegant; others are casual and relaxed. Some typefaces suggest antiquity; others are very modern. The point is that, just as the size of the television screen affects television programs, so do the typefaces chosen affect how people will interpret a given message.” (Berger 2008) Here are 4 example of typography that I will explore in the essay. First, we have the phase Happy Birthday. This example of happy birthday is a happy feeling for a child’s birthday. It gives the impression of fun, excitement. The use of purple let you know that this will be a little girl’s party. You can use bright purple when promoting children's products. “We are affected by the size of a given typeface because size affects the way we respond to the design of individual letters” (Berger 2008). This is why I decided to use a large type size for this phase.
Happy Birthday
Magnolia Grove Bed & Breakfast
Jackson, Mississippi This example is a way to combine typefaces with similar proportions. “Proportions involves how they relate to one another in general, relative to the size or area of the visual field being utilized”(Berger 200). Here, two hard-working typefaces assigned supporting roles: the Brush Script MT that serves as the spotlight by appearing big and the