Given information on a technology or business-related issue presented in a case study, evaluate and integrate outside research to create a well-organized and documented formal analytical report or proposal using at least six sources, including books, articles, interviews with subject matter experts, and websites or databases, and prepare a set of presentation slides to accompany the proposal.
->8- to 10-page Formal Recommendation Report --------------------
Directions: You may choose any of the topics below for your Course Project—
1 The company that you work for does not have a website and is not taking advantage of the many Internet marketing opportunities that are available today (the use of social media sites for companies, pay-per-click advertising on search engines, article marketing, etc.). You decide to do some research about the importance of using the Internet to maximize your company’s exposure and marketing plan, and then write a proposal to the CEO outlining the benefits and the specific strategies you recommend based on your research.
2 Write a proposal to your CEO proposing that your company implements a “going green” program. This proposal should include the benefits for the environment in general and the company itself in terms of corporate image and citizenship. Provide a list of strategies and the costs that might be incurred or saved for each green concept you recommend implementing. Note that there are many green ideas now, from recycling bins to allowing employees to work from home. It’s up to you to decide which works for the organization (imagined or real).
3 Your company is considering hiring a full-time technical writer. There is opposition from some management folks who feel that a technical writer is not needed…everyone can write, right? It’s your job to research and write a proposal outlining the benefits of hiring a professional to write