There are often many correct answers.
a. The set of all strings consisting of zero or more as.
b. The set of all strings consisting of an uppercase letter followed by zero or more additional characters, each of which is either an uppercase letter or one of the digits 0 through 9.
c. The set of all strings consisting of one or more as.
d. The set of all strings consisting of one or more digits. (Each digit is one of the characters 0 through 9.)
e. The set of all strings consisting of zero or more as with a semicolon after each one.
f. The set of all strings consisting of the keyword begin, followed by zero or more statements with a semicolon after each one, followed by the keyword end. Use the non-terminal for statements, and do not give productions for it.
g. The set of all strings consisting of one or more as with a semicolon after each one.
h. The set of all strings consisting of the keyword begin, followed by one or more statements with a semicolon after each one, followed by the keyword end. Use the non-terminal for statements, and do not give productions for it.
i. The set of all strings consisting of one or more as, with a comma between each a and the next. (There should be no comma before the first or after the last.)
j. The set of all strings consisting of an open bracket (the symbol [) followed by a list of one or more digits separated by commas, followed by a closing bracket (the symbol ]).
k. The set of all strings consisting of zero or more as, with a comma between each a and the next. (There should be no comma before the first or after the last.)
l. The set of all strings consisting of an open bracket (the symbol [) followed by a list of zero or more digits separated by commas, followed by a closing bracket (the