7. In Federalist Paper No. 51, why does Madison think judges should NOT be elected?…
As defined in this class what do the terms ‘majority’ and ‘minority’ refer to? (understand that a primary difference is relationship to power; it is not about numbers)…
A second way the framers attacked tyranny was by the separation of powers. This was the idea that the three branches of the central government – the legislature, the executive, and the judicial would each hold powers separate from the other two . the legislature was given the power to make laws, the executive to enforce the laws and make sure they get carried out, and the judicial branch was given the power to hear cases and settle disagreements involving the laws. Madison said it was very important to keep these powers separate. When they get into the same hands you get the exact definition of tyranny. You get a dictatorship by one person or a group of…
The hundreds of different involvements we experience throughout life will each play a role in developing our unique personality.…
In this excerpt from Democracy in America Alexis Tocqueville expresses his sentiments about the United States democratic government. Tocqueville believes the government's nature exists in the absolute supremacy of the majority, meaning that those citizens of the United States who are of legal age control legislation passed by the government. However, the power of the majority can exceed its limits. Tocqueville believed that the United States was a land of equality, liberty, and political wisdom. He considered it be a land where the government only served as the voice of the its citizens. He compares the government of the US to that of European systems. To him, European governments were still constricted by aristocratic privilege, the people had no hand in the formation of their government, let alone, there every day lives. He held up the American system as a successful model of what aristocratic European systems would inevitably become, systems of democracy and social equality. Although he held the American democratic system in high regards, he did have his concerns about the systems shortcomings. Tocqueville feared that the virtues he honored, such as creativity, freedom, civic participation, and taste, would be endangered by "the tyranny of the majority." In the United States the majority rules, but whose their to rule the majority. Tocqueville believed that the majority, with its unlimited power, would unavoidably turn into a tyranny. He felt that the moral beliefs of the majority would interfere with the quality of the elected legislators. The idea was that in a great number of men there was more intelligence, than in one individual, thus lacking quality in legislation. Another disadvantage of the majority was that the interests of the majority always were preferred to that of the minority. Therefore, giving the minority no chance to voice concerns. Even though the minority was free to think differently, they were alienated because of their individuality.…
Every Government needs a framework in order for them to efficiently work, regulate, and rule the masses. This framework is known as a Constitution, and it is a set of fundamental principles created according to the desires and needs of those involved in its forging. Now Government power is limited when there is a mutual respect on the restraints on power, a constitution with legal limits on power, individual rights are protected in the constitution, and in all there is a status quo for promoting what is best for everyone. To add to this there is a separation of powers and the power must be shared. However, the polar opposite of a limited government is an unlimited government which includes two types, an Authoritarian and Totalitarian. Within a Totalitarian government, there is one dominant leader supported by a mass party, the media is controlled, there is no opposition allowed, terror is used to maintain power, and individual behavior is controlled. In an Authoritarian government, it is controlled by a single person or a dominant elite, the military shows full support, the government itself is not accountable for its actions, the media can be censored, and the public is not allowed to criticize the government.…
The Constitution did everything they could to defend us against tyranny. How exactly did they do it though? In 1787 fifty five men met in Philidalphia representing The American States in order to fix their government. They did this so everybody from the States could have a say, and all of them agree equally to guard against tyranny. The Constitution had guarded against tyranny in four different ways which were Federalism, Separation of powers, Checks and balances and Big states vs. small states.…
the government under majority rule. In order for a government to exist the people must…
The writers of the Constitution wanted to do something so that no such person could get all the power, or too much power. The Articles of Confederation was the first step to try and guard against tyranny, but that failed. It was missing things like a central government, president and court system. The writers of the constitution came up with four methods to guard against tyranny which are federalism, separation of powers, checks and balances, and the big states and small states compromise.…
Tyranny is an abuse of power over others by a person or government. One example is any government which has too much power and restricts the rights of its people. A different type of tyranny is when the will of the majority restricts the rights and freedoms of individuals in the minority. For example, slavery in America was developed by the white majority in the South, to assure that their economy would succeed. Tyranny of both types mentioned still exists in the world today.…
Government is defined by the Webster Dictionary as "the system by which a state or community is governed." In America that system is democracy. It is a system which allows for personal freedom and the ability for one individual to make a difference. Democracy will by definition always follow the will of the majority. John Adams declares that "the form of government which communicates ease, comfort, security, or, in one word, happiness, to the greatest number of persons, and in the greatest degree, is the best." Democracy ensures that by giving people the chance to have their say in the public arena. They participate intimately in politics but give elected leaders to stand in for them on the day to day details.…
Have you ever thought of what our country would be like if we had a dictator or a king? Well in 1787 a group of delegates for 12 of the 13 states met in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania to get together and try to better the country to guard against that. They ended up building the federal government so that there wouldn’t be any tyranny. It was also made to make sure that the government doesn’t become too much powerful. How do you think our rights were protected against tyranny by the constitution? Tyranny is when one person is given all the power to control a country of a government. The Constitution gurded against tyranny in several ways, which were federalism (doc A), separation of powers(doc B), checks and balances(doc C), and big states vs. little states(doc D).…
9. What prevents majority tyranny over a minority in most policy decisions in a democracy? The composition of the majority and minority is always shifting, depending on the issue.…
8. Majority Rule - Majority rule is the idea that at least one more than half of the total number of people has voted in a certain direction. Usually, majority rule is good when you are voting on something and need a quick solution to be presented.…
The majority is those individuals with power that control and are in charge of the government. The minority, put their vote towards those who they want to be ruled by and step back to follow without checking that what the government is doing is just and correct. According to Thoreau, when power is in the hands of the people, a majority is permitted to rule because they are physically the strongest (2). Society gives, or lets, the power be handled by the majority not because it is fair to them, or right, but just because they are stronger. The power is found in a few individuals because they are considered stronger in the eyes of the minority. These few individuals become the majority and govern over the actual majority, the people which are greater in number. The majority, being legislators, congressmen and those with power in the government, use the power they have to impose what is in their benefits over the minority. The minority, being all the people in the country, the tax payers, the average working class man and even those in lower classes should step up to make sure that the majority does what is in the best interests of the…