The first look taken is going to be about who was more honest to their animals. Starting with Mr. Jones. He didn’t know the animals could talk let alone understand him. When he walked outside to feed the animals, they were saying feed us we’re hungry. All that was heard were animal noises. It can be said that he was being honest in that situation because he didn’t want to feed …show more content…
Well, Mr. Jones had more power being the human care giver. He would whip his horse after being drunk for not walking straight and knew if he didn’t feed the animals they couldn’t get the food themselves and took power of that. Can blow up the animals’ food source, the windmill, so he did just that. Napoleon sent his hardest working servant, Boxer, to a horse slaughterer when he was sick and lied about it. Made trade with a human who tried to take over the farm for a profit only given to him. Forced the hens to sacrifice their eggs because the hens didn’t want them sold for money. Once Snowball was forced out of the farm, Napoleon took his windmill idea and lied that it was originally his idea. A tyrant is a cruel and/or aggressive ruler and both Mr. Jones and Napoleon are the definition of based on the facts.
Good leaders are ones who take their power and do good things with it. Bad leaders are the ones above. To be a tyrant may be one of the worst things to be defined of but it hurts more if it’s true. Honesty is the best way to avoid a lie of which Mr. Jones and Napoleon had no intention of doing. Karma will always get you back. Whether it’s losing things or killing