Angela M. Tindall
U06a1-Logic Model and Incidence Reduction Formula
November 23, 2014
Dr. Brenda Lohman
Capella University
Problem Statement
Discrimination against gay, lesbian, or bisexual individuals has been around for decades. This sensitive population has experienced various dimensions of minority stress due to their sexual orientation. This has produced internalizing negative societal attitudes about non-heterosexuality, and their expectations of rejection because of their sexual orientation (Newcomb & Mustanski, 2010). Today, we have many youth that have decided to come out of the closet, and have been shunned by their families and peers. Many have turned to alcohol and drugs to cope with their feelings of rejection. On the other hand, many of our youth indulge in risky sexual behaviors that put them at a great risk for sexuality transmitted diseases and even suicide ideation.
Community Needs The proposed prevention program will address discrimination projected at youth’s who identify with being gay or lesbian in their communities. When discrimination occurs in the community, it produces stress, physical and psychological issues. Lewis, Delega, Clarke, & Kuang (2006) article addressed how discrimination of one’s sexual identity is stigmatization toward their social status. Discrimination of gay or lesbian youth can also produce substance use problems, suicidal acts, violent victimization along with risky sexual behaviors that put them at risk for HIV infection, and significant rates of school dropout (Keuroghlian, Shtasel, & Bassuk, 2014). In communities, there are five factors that prohibit resilience within the lesbian or gay youth. Russell, Bohan, McCarroll, & Smith (2011) stated that the lesbian or gay youth often experience homophobia, divisions’ within their own communities; inability to make sense of danger; family failure of support for sexual identity; and their internalization of negative information about lesbian or gay youth intentions on society as a whole. Many youth are therefore left feeling alone and unaccepted by their communities in which they live in.
Desired Results Outputs: The overall achievement for participating in the program “Yes I Can” will be the following components.
1. Parental/caretaker acceptance of youth’s sexual orientation.
2. Stability of emotional, physical and psychological health.
3. Cessation of risky sexual and addictive behaviors.
4. Parental/caretaker active participation in therapy.
5. Production of positive relationships in families, peers, and school.
6. Ability to relinquish prior offenses that caused tremendous psychological and emotional pain,
7. Ability to live a life free from shame and guilt.
The expected goals of the program “Yes I Can” will seek to foster self-acceptance of the youth’s sexual identity, promote positive self-image; emotional and psychological stability; acknowledgement of guilt producing behaviors that affect cognitive abilities while wanting to achieve positive change.
Influential Factors The program will utilize three modalities that have been shown to provide significant reduction capabilities for the lesbian or gay youth. Cognitive behavioral therapy postulates cessation of negative behavior and substance usage. The triangular theory of love will explain the concept of what love is, while forgiveness therapy will help the youth to understand how forgiveness can benefit them emotionally, spiritually, and psychologically once they make the conscious choice to forgive individuals who have wronged them. Parents and caretakers can empower their children to be who they are by encouraging them attend school regardless of what others say or do as long as they are not harmed.
The following strategies will be utilized in the prevention program “Yes I Can”.
1. Community leaders and organizations to provide stringent policies for anti-gay harassment and violence in the schools.
2. Encouragement from parent/caretaker, community leaders and organizations.
3. Encouragement to stay in school.
4. Therapist/counselor understands how biases can damage the therapeutic relationship.
5. Utilization of competent providers in the assessment and counseling sectors.
6. Cultural competence.
7. Ethical guidelines adherence.
8. Journaling by participant’s of their needs and concerns.
9. Assess the prospect of suicide ideation through the Beck Scale.
10. Random drug screenings.
11. Explain the informed consent.
12. Obtain an active measurement of confidence by using the self-efficacy scale.
The prevention program goals will be to empower the youths toward self-acceptance, positive self-worth, freedom from their negative past experiences; production of positive coping mechanisms; understanding of the risk of substance abuse on their health. The program will utilize donated services for assessments and counseling services. Referrals will be made to area hospitals with the recommendation for evaluation of the participant in a crisis stabilization unit for suicide ideation.
Incidence Reduction Formula
Incidence Reduction= Decrease: Maladaptive coping, stress reduction, depression, risky sexual Behaviors, alleviation of anger from prior offenses, shame Guilt. ___________________________________________________________ Increase: Acceptance of sexual identity, parental/caretaker Communication, self-esteem, self-worth.
Logic Model
Short & Long Terms Outcomes
Staff Trained in forgiveness therapy.
Provide understanding of love for self.
Trained staff in cognitive behavioral therapy.
Participant’s secured from area schools, churches, & parental referrals.
Community agency referrals.
Parental/caretaker participation
Group therapy sessions.
Workbooks on discriminatory practices.
Journals to write own thoughts & feelings to be addressed in therapy
Drug testing
Parental/caretaker involvement.
Parental/caretaker acceptance of youth’s sexual orientation.
Developed positive self-esteem.
Substance abuse alleviated.
Positive support from selected peers/family of choice.
Alleviate depression & suicidal ideation.
Positive cognitive and decision making skills.
Positive attitude toward school and peers.
Positive parental/caretaker relationships sustained.
Develop and utilize voice against discrimination.
Positive identity.
Ability to function daily without drugs and alcohol.
Healthy attitude toward life.
Ability to develop and maintain healthy relationships.
Ability to encourage others of the lesbian and gay community.
Formative The program will use the concept of targeted mediator validation which recommends researchers to select social, psychological, and demographic variables that would be used in mediating and moderating such variables for the intervention. There will be three modalities used to advance and achieve the allocated intervention procedures. Attention will be focused on logged parental/caretaker and community participations. Relationship qualities will be viewed to assess whether they are conducive for the participant’s. Conformity will be completed between the influences on the participant’s willingness to change negative behaviors that have caused them harm.
The program “Yes I Can” was designed to empower the lesbian and gay youth in communities to change damaging behaviors that have stagnated their joy in life from discrimination. Negative peer relationships, school relationships, and family contacts have been proven to produce rejection. Rejection and violence have been the reason many lesbian and gay youth have deterred attending school. Research has stated that lesbian and gay youth are more likely to have property stolen or were intimidated and assaulted are more frightened or wounded with a weapon (Meyer, 2013).
Enright, R., D., & Fitzgibbons, R, P. (2000). Helping clients forgive: An empirical guide for Resolving anger and restoring hope. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
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Lewis, R., J., Derlega, V., J., Clarke, E., G., & Kuang, J., C. (2006). Stigma consciousness, Social constraints and lesbian well-being. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 53, pp. 48- 56.
Meyer, I., H. (2013). Prejudice, social stress, and mental health in lesbian, gay, and bisexual Populations: Conceptual issues and research evidence. Psychology of Sexual Orientation And Gender Diversity, Vol. 1(S), pp. 3-26. Doi: 10.1037/2329-0382.1.S.3
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Newcomb, M., E., & Mustanski, B. (2010). Internalized homophobia and internalizing mental problem: A meta-analytic review. Clinical Psychology review, 30, 1019-1029. Doi: 10.1016/j.cpr.2010.07.003
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Russell, G., M., Bohan, J., S., Mccarroll, M., C., Smith, N., G. (2011). Trauma, recovery, and Community: Perspective on the long-term impact of Anti-LGBT politic. Traumatology, Vol. 17(2), pp. 14-23. Doi: 10.1177/1534765610363799
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References: Enright, R., D., & Fitzgibbons, R, P. (2000). Helping clients forgive: An empirical guide for Resolving anger and restoring hope Hairston, D., J., D. (2009). Theoretical treatment model for families of sexual minority youth: A cognitive-behavioral therapy and strategic family therapy perspective 1514278217/accounted=27965. (1514278217). Keuroghlian, A., S., Shatasel, D., Bassuk, E. (2014). Out on the street: A public health and Policy agenda for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth who are homeless. Meyer, I., H. (2013). Prejudice, social stress, and mental health in lesbian, gay, and bisexual Populations: Conceptual issues and research evidence problem: A meta-analytic review. Clinical Psychology review, 30, 1019-1029.