There are many threats to an organization, these include internal and external; virtual and physical threats. All of which can be tackled in some manner. Some are easier address then others.
Internal threats to an organization is a threat to an organization that roots from the organization its self. For example; employees, ex-employees and other people who may in in contact with the organization. These people may have access to confidential data that regards the security of the organization and the data it holds. These threats can put in to two categories these are virtual and physical.
Virtual threats consisted of theft of information, productivity loss, Data Corruption/Deletion and Malicious Code. Employees may have access to beneficial information; such as selling the data to others, using the data for themselves. This links with Data loss as data loss can be intentional my not just copying the information to a USB dive or emailing it can be completely removed. But if any data is deleted it’s not necessarily done in a malicious manner. As deletion can be occur as a result of human error. Although in July 2012 a report on the insider threat in the U.S. financial sector shows that 80% of malicious acts were committed at work during working hours. Productivity loss can occur when staff have become slack with their work or that is an issue within the work force causing work to progress slower. Such as a personal dispute between the workers.
External threats to an organization is a threat to an organization that roots from outside of the company. For example; vandalism, hackers, viruses and weather. The external threats are a lot harder to control and prevent then the internal threats. Just like the Internal threats; these can put in to two categories these are virtual and physical.
A hard threat to tackle is the threat of weather, weather conditions can be extreme and course damage to the company’s