A. Awareness
1) When you hear the word “cosmetic” or “make-up”, what is the first brand that comes out of your mind?
What else?
2) Where did you learn these brands?
__TV Commercials __Internet
__Friends/ Relatives __Print Advertisements
__Malls/ Department Stores __ Others, please specify
3) Have seen advertisements from the following brands?
Brand Yes/ No
Ever Bilena
Fashion 21
Beauty Pro Cosmetic Online Shop
4) If you answered yes from any of the brands in Q#3, where have you seen their advertisements?
__ TV Commercials __Newspapers
__Radio Ad __Magazines
__Internet __Events/Sponsorship
B. Usage and Lifestyle
5) Are you using cosmetics?
__ Yes __No
*If your answer to Q#1 is Yes then proceed to Q#2, if NO then terminate this survey, Thank you!
6) How often do you use cosmetics?
__Everyday __every time I go out
__when there is an occasion __Others,please specify
7) Do you save money to avail cosmetics?
__ Yes __No
8) How much money do you spend in buying your cosmetic?
__200 php and below __200 php - 400 php
__400php – 600php __600php – 800 php
__800 php and above __Others. Please Specify.
9) How often do you buy cosmetics?
__once a week __once a month
__twice a month __others, please specify
10) How long does your makeup last before you replace it?
__it last at least a month __it last less than a month
__it last longer than 2 months __others. Please Specify
11) What is the current brand that you are using? Cite many brands as you want.
_____________¬__ ________________ ________________
12) If the brand that you are using is not available, what brand would you most likely to buy?
13) What specific attributes made you use that product?
__Affordability __Accessibility
__Variety of shades __Quality