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Station 2 Specimen A: I hypothesize that Specimen A which is a red bald Uakari is arboreal quadruped. This is because the red bald Uakari has a more or less equal fore-to-hind limb ratio as such the forelimb measures at 11cm for the ulna and 11.4cm for the radius and the hind limbs measure at 13.3cm for the fibula and 13.7cm for the tibia. This indicates that the red bald Uakari uses both fore-to-hind limbs as a primary form of locomotion to get from tree to tree. In addition, the red bald Uakari has a triangle shape back foot with a pushed back big toe that is close to the heel making it easier to grasp tree limbs and branches. Also, the conclusion can be supported by the shape of the cast of the skull matches the shape of the red bald uakari and the ridge on the occipital can indicate an area for attachments of muscles to keep the skull facing forward primarily because the Uakari is an arboreal