It is hard to put your heart and soul into something when you may not be returning the next year. The quality of education isn’t exactly the same. Labeling this as a financial crisis isn’t really the truth. Increasing the cost of tuition should go towards increasing education. However, the move seems to be geared more towards profit and cutting cost. This current problem is actually bigger than it seems. According to the text, these demonstrations are in response to different facets of capitalism’s attack on the working class. The reasons demonstrations like this aren’t successful is because there isn’t enough unity. For a successful change to occur the assistance of undergraduate students, teaching assistants, lecturers, faculty, service workers and staff need to begin to meet towards a common goal. For success, dense networks
It is hard to put your heart and soul into something when you may not be returning the next year. The quality of education isn’t exactly the same. Labeling this as a financial crisis isn’t really the truth. Increasing the cost of tuition should go towards increasing education. However, the move seems to be geared more towards profit and cutting cost. This current problem is actually bigger than it seems. According to the text, these demonstrations are in response to different facets of capitalism’s attack on the working class. The reasons demonstrations like this aren’t successful is because there isn’t enough unity. For a successful change to occur the assistance of undergraduate students, teaching assistants, lecturers, faculty, service workers and staff need to begin to meet towards a common goal. For success, dense networks