What are the root causes of unemployment in uk?
How can we fix the unemployment problem?
How can be jobs created?
Who can create jobs?
How can be the economy grown?
What are the main causes of unemployment?
The effects of Globalisation.
Has the internet killed the jobs of many people?
How can Uk increase the competitiveness in the world arena?
Reforms and recommendations.
How have developments in technology affected employment?
Think back 25 years to before the microchip was as prevalent as it is today. Technology has shifted employment in major ways. It has made it easier to do some labour intensive jobs with fewer hours. It has created huge employment in tech industries all over the world. It has allowed the internet to facilitate employment without as many physical boundaries. It has allowed time shifting of activities.
Each new generation brings the reemergence of many of the fears of the past, requiring the repetition of old explanations to put them to rest. Today there is a renewed concern that technological advancement may displace much of the manufacturing (and other) work force, creating widespread unemployment, social disruption, and human hardship. For example, in 1983 the Upjohn Institute for Employment Research forecast the existence of 50,000 to 100,000 industrial robots in the United States by 1990, resulting in a net loss of some 100,000 jobs.[1] Barry Bluestone, perhaps foremost among today's gloomy economists, is also worried about the future. He argues that "capital hypermobility" requires that America "reestablish the social safety net and extend the range of the regulatory system to make that net even more secure."[2] Harvard's Robert Reich completes the theme that government must act by arguing that America's industrial policy "is the by-product of