Ulcerative colitis or UC is a chronic inflammatory condition that affected the rectum and the colon. Ulcerative colitis is the condition that known as inflammatory Bowel Diseases and the other which is coming under same name is crohn’s disease.
In these two illnesses, symptoms are little bit similar, but the different is in the areas that affected in patient’s body.
let's take the second half of this word and explain it.
( itis ) from the word colitis and in the end of any medical term indicate that inflammation is there or refer to a damage in that part of the body.
And ( Col ) from the word colitis means the colon .
So together Colitis means the inflammation of the inner lining of the colon and ulcers may form.
This disease of …show more content…
Types of ulcerative colitis and their associated symptoms http://www.crohnscolitisfoundation.org/assets/pdfs/living_with_uc_brochure_final.pdf The symptoms of ulcerative colitis will be different according to the extent of inflammation and the position of the inflammation in the intestine.
They are four types ,,,
Ulcerative proctitis:
The inflammation located and starts in the rectum then it spreads to the colon in about 20cm. It considers as a mild form of ulcerative colitis.
They could not reach the actual cause of ulcerative proctitis but they suggest that the interactions between environmental factors, flora, inappropriate reaction in the immune system, and genetic predisposition are responsible. Symptoms include blood in the stool, diarrhea, and rectal pain.
The inflammation affecting two parts of colon, the rectum and sigmoid.
Symptoms include diarrhoea with blood, cramps, and tenesmus. Moderate pain on the lower left side of the abdomen sometimes will occur.