In 1911 a German consumer company named, Beiersdorf brought out the now the very famous Nivea cream. Nivea Cream was the first true cosmetic moisturiser to be released upon the market, and is still Nivea’s signature product. Since then, the company has grown to be one of the largest skin care brands throughout the world, selling a range of products in over 150 countries.
However, to meet the ever evolving customer needs and to further penetrate into the personal care and cosmetics market; Nivea extended its product range to include: body moisturisers , sun care, Nivea for men, hair care, and deodorants to name but a few. This strong global presence, along with continuous innovation and product development has enabled the brands in the Nivea portfolio to effectively compete among the global leaders in the personal care market.
Macro-Environmental and PEST Analysis
The macro-environmental analysis is going to be based on Nivea sun care, as this product is aimed towards the greatest target market as its geographical position can now be seen in many shops worldwide.
To gain a full understanding into the brand Nivea, a PEST analysis is going to be conducted, this will show an in depth explanation of some major factors which have occurred over the past few years.
Whilst researching on the Mintel Oxygen website, one statistic which was very significant in the overall sale figures of Nivea was;
“Poor summer weather has contributed to the 2% decline in total Nivea sun care value sales between 2009 and 2011. According to Cancer Research UK, people still need UV protection when the sky is cloudy as clouds are not a good shield against UV radiation. If consumers can be convinced that sun protection is still necessary when the weather is overcast, volume use of sun care would increase considerably.”
(Source: Ricky Lakhani, Personal Care Analyst