In Ulysses, written by Alfred Lord Tennyson, is a poem giving courage and hope. In this poem, the desire of Tennyson to reach out further more than he can, and to get away from the same everyday life are expressed. The tone of the speaker in Ulysses is not soothing but forcing for the hope. This can be seen from the end of the poem, “Come, my friends,/ ‘Tis not too late to seek a newer world./Push off, and sitting wll in order smite” (lines 56-58). He is ordering his ‘friends’, to come with him, but at the same time he is expressing hope by telling what they are looking for: “a newer world” (line 57). He is criticizing the mundane life people are living in and uses traveling to symbolize,
In Ulysses, written by Alfred Lord Tennyson, is a poem giving courage and hope. In this poem, the desire of Tennyson to reach out further more than he can, and to get away from the same everyday life are expressed. The tone of the speaker in Ulysses is not soothing but forcing for the hope. This can be seen from the end of the poem, “Come, my friends,/ ‘Tis not too late to seek a newer world./Push off, and sitting wll in order smite” (lines 56-58). He is ordering his ‘friends’, to come with him, but at the same time he is expressing hope by telling what they are looking for: “a newer world” (line 57). He is criticizing the mundane life people are living in and uses traveling to symbolize,