Model-to-model transformation is one of the main features in model-driven development to reduce the complexity in the field of software engineering. These project will bring a structure for model-to-model transformation languages. The centre part is the transformation infrastructure. These are performed by the revolution engines that are plugged into the infrastructure.
Model transformations are important for moving models from documentation fundamentals to first-class artifacts of the growth method. This includes model-to-text transformation to create code from models, text-to-model transformations to get textual symbols to form representations, model removal to get higher-level form from legacy code, and model-to-model transformations to control, merge, optimize, and refractor models, as well as to explain between modeling languages.
Besides the analysis of today’s software development processes expose that the cautious engineering of security into the general system design is repeatedly ignored. Security aspects s are typically built into an application are only included later during the system administration phase. There are quite a few reasons for this. the security , required tools behind security engineering, the integration of security into a system by hand is tricky and errors often occur due to the lack of knowledge of the individual developers. The developers need to concrete guidelines for constructing secure applications.
According to the above things the task is to be developed the mapping between the secure tropos and the UMLsec. Secure tropos introduces new concepts and redefining the accessible models and the concepts pave the way to validate the solution.UMLsec is also for the extension for secure systems development.
The following case study is used to define the diagram between UML and the Secure Tropos.
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