A. Background
Indonesia is a developing country. The successful development influenced by natural resources of Indonesian, and the importantly, human resource development practitioners as subjects. Correspondingly Soetrisno (1986:3) explains that there is a genuine public demand never faded that a quality education with a reliable quality of education.
At the beginning of the graduation standards in the UN proclaimed in figure 3.01 for the academic year 2002/2003, the government did not get a response counter. It can thus be understood that it is still possible standard of 3.01 can be achieved by almost all students. But the following year with the publication of the decision of the Minister of Education No. 153/U/2003 National Final Examination standards up to 4.01 in 2008 to 5.25 standard value causes the emergence of various opinions cons and sharp criticism. Demonstration against the decision of the minister's inevitable. The assumption underlying all of it in general is fears that many will not pass, when reflecting on the acquisition of the UN in the year 2002/2003.
Based on the problem researcher interesting to research about the agrement UN to be standard graduation.
B. Identification of problem
Based on the background described above, which is a formulation of the problem in this research is: are people agree National Examination (UN) to be standard graduation?
C. Formulation of problem
Based on the problem above, the reseacher formulates the problem as : 1. Are you agree about UN? 2. Can UN to be standard graduation? 3. Can UN increase the quality of education?
D. Purpose
Research Goals to be achieved in this study was to determine “ are people agree UN to be standard graduation”
E. Key term
To clarify the intent and understanding, as well as avoid any misinterpretation of research it is necessary to outline the limits of the concepts used. The limit of the concepts used in this study are: 1. UN : exams conducted by students nationally as a condition of completing / finishing school. In this case referred to the UN that is where the matter-because exams and graduation standards set by the central value (MONE). 2. Teaching and learning process : a process containing an effort to gain knowledge or mastering a skill, practice (Big Indonesian Dictionary, 2006: 23).
University of North Sumatra 3. Quality : The quality of education. 4. Education : the process of changing attitudes and code of conduct a person or group of people in human mature businesses through the efforts of teaching and research. 5. Quality of education : the quality of the results of the teaching process. In this case how the quality / grade school standardization of values associated with the enactment of the UN.
UN is an instrument used to measure student achievement of the learning process. It’s means, the UN is a standardized instrument to look at the output of education. By itself, the output of education has been standardized by the UN conducted nationally. Determination graduation of students has been amended several times until finally the value of standardization in the UN decision.
In the school year 1975/1976 until the 1982-1983 school year assessments used in determining graduation left entirely to the individual schools ranging from evaluation tool (the questions), examination, determination of the value passed to the determination of whether or not a student. Regarding the criteria for graduation is the Value subjects religious education, moral education Pancasila (PMP) and the Indonesian minimum of 6 and a minimum grade average of 6.00.
In the school year 1983/1984 until the school year 2000/2001 assessment is used in determining the value of graduation is EBTA (Evaluation study the final stage) combined with other values while in the last class. EBTA apply to elementary, middle / junior high and high school / high school. In EBTA there are two kinds of matter that is a matter which comes from the Department of Education Center called Ebtanas (national final study evaluation) that five subjects for elementary, middle / junior high and high school six subjects / SMU seven subjects while remaining under the authority of the school (school EBTA ). About the same graduation criteria with previous years, but in 1994 changed to PMP Citizenship. In the school year 2001/2001 EBTA / Ebtanas replaced with a national final exams (UAN) for junior high, high school / high school. For elementary school called the final exam (UAS) for junior and high school subjects tested in the same Ebtakan questions DEPDIKNAS authority similar to those in the center Ebtanaskan, while the rest is either school authorities or central authority about all the school authorities called UAN. Regarding the graduation criteria is the average value of at least 6.00 UAN so assessments used in determining graduation is pure UAN.
In the school year 2002/2003 a fundamental change in UAN is because the number of subjects who live under the authority of the central MONE three subjects. Graduation assessment system is the same as in 2001/2002 but for students who do not pass the exam again given the opportunity. Regarding the graduation criteria, the same as the previous year but there is no standard minimum value for each subject is 3.01.
For the school year 2003/2004 UAN go ahead. The questions become central authority is still the same as UAN 2002/2003 are three subjects. But there is a fundamental difference in nomenclature changes to turn into junior high and junior high school turned into a high school, standardized for each subject was 4.01 and the scoring system in which subjects practiced the previous year written examination held merger and practice test scores this year while each to his own.
For the academic year 2004/2005 standards for each subject was tested was 4.25 and the 3 subjects. Year 2005/2006 standards for each subject was also tested 4.50 and 3 subjects. Similarly, in 2006/2007 only standardization to 5.01. Academic year 2007/2008 to 5.25 where the value of standardization subjects tested into six subjects, namely, for the IPA (Indonesian, mathematics, English Language, Physics, Chemistry, Biology) and for IPS (Indonesian, Economics, English Language , Sociology, Geography, History)
This research use explanatory research using a quantitative approach to research is to detect are peope agree UN to be standard graduation. This research use quessioner for collection the data.
Population and Sample
The population this research are teachers, students, and society at Payakumbuh.
Sample in this research No | Name | Gendre | Status | | Iwan saputra, S.PdBudi rahman, S.PdSusilawati, S.PdMawar, S.PdMeily rosa, S.PdAnita risma, S.PdRitaBudiToniSintaWarmanRiniMulyonoAstariMaura LolitaAgungReski | MMFFFF FMMFMFMFFFMM | TTTTTTSSSSSSScScScScScSc | M : male T : teacher
F : female S : student Sc: society
Instrument to Collection Data
1. Are you agree about UN? a. Agree b. Not agree c. No comment 2. UN can to be standard graduation a. Agree b. Not agree c. No comment 3. UN can increase quality of education a. Agree b. Not agree c. No comment
Table analysis data from quessioner No | Name | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | | Iwan saputra, S.PdBudi rahman, S.PdSusilawati, S.PdMawar, S.PdMeily rosa, S.PdAnita risma, S.PdRitaBudiToniSintaWarmanRiniMulyonoAstariMaura LolitaAgungReski | AABAABABBAABBBB AB B | AABAABABBAABBBB AB B | AABAABABBAABBBB A B B |
A : agree Q1 : question no 1
B : not agree Q2 : question no 2 Q3 : question no 3
Persentase for Q1 Agree | 45.5 % | Not agree | 55.5 % | No comment | - |
Presentation for Q2 Agree | 45.5 % | Not agree | 55.5 % | No comment | - |
Persentase for Q3 Agree | 45.5 % | Not agree | 55.5 % | No comment | - |
Table analysis agreement about UN Teachers | 66.6 % from all teachers | Students | 50 % from all students | Society | 16.6 % from society |
UN is exams conducted by students nationally as a condition of completing / finishing school. In this case referred to the UN that is where the matter-because exams and graduation standards set by the central value.
There is pro and contra about UN. There is agree and disagree about UN. From this research, there are 66,6 % teachers agree, 50% students agree and 16,6 % society agree about UN.
Government must do hard for improving the education system in Indonesia. Inevitably all schools must be prepared to accept any policy that will be made by the Ministry of Education, the school should really prepare teaching personnel and students to be able to properly receive and execute any policy changes or new policies in the education system. Besides the school, in particular the Government of National Education Ministry should also be able to monitor the readiness of each agency when the school will create a new policy in education.
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