As the flame from the Bunsen burner continues to heat the kernels, the pressure eventually exceeds the hull’s strength, which then causes the hull to rupture.
At the same time, the pressurized steam within the kernel expands and causes the starch to turn into fluffy popcorn. Since the experiment of popping kernels takes place in an open system, the steam from the kernel is able to escape. Therefore, the mass of the water that underwent phase change to gas is lost into the air or evaporated. This systematic error significantly affects the measured data because it causes the total mass of the popped kernels to be 18.83 % less than the total mass of the un-popped kernels. In order to obtain better results when repeating the experiment, the un-popped kernels should be placed within a closed system, such as a vacuum chamber, in which the steam from the kernels would not be able to
escape. Another source of error that affected the measured data is that not all the un-popped kernels are the same. This is a random error because it’s unpredictable to determine the hull of the kernels used may be cracked; therefore, the water within the kernel that gradually turns to steam would slowly seep out of the kernel. As a consequence, that faulty kernel would stay intact or split open before the starch is able to gelatinize. In addition, some of the kernels may have low moisture content; hence, the lack of steam would not allow pressure to build up within the kernel such that starch would not be able to gelatinize. As a result, not all the kernels would be able to fully pop, such that they would only pop to a certain size. Furthermore, the heating of low moisture content kernels would enable the kernel to burn more easily than others since there’s not enough steam to produce the optimum pressure gelatinizing the starch. Then, this affects the data since not all kernels would have the same mass, such that the average mass of an un-popped kernel would differ from the average mass of the other un-popped kernels. Similarly, this error also affects the average mass of a popped kernel to differ from the average mass of the other popped kernels since not all kernels are the same. In order to obtain better results for the average mass of the un-popped and popped kernels, then the repeated experiment should not use kernels that have hulls that are cracked nor have a compromised area. Not only that, the kernels should have the same moisture content, approximately 13.5 %, so the corn should be dried with a heated air-force system.
The purpose of the experiment was to understand how to properly use a Bunsen burner by adjusting its various parts, barrel, collar, air intake opening, gas flow valve, gas intake tube, and base, in order to maintain a hot, blue flame. In addition, the purpose was to also understand how the recorded masses between the un-popped kernels and popped kernels are a violation of the Law of Conservation of Matter since their masses should not be different because mass cannot neither be created nor destroyed. One of the key results of the experiment was that the recorded masses seem to indicate that matter was destroyed since both the total mass of 10 popped kernels and average mass of 1 popped kernel is less than the total mass of 10 un-popped kernels and average mass of 1 un-popped kernel. This is reflected on the percent change in mass of both the total mass and average mass of the un-popped and popped kernels of 18.83 %. Based on the Law of Conservation of Matter, matter cannot be create or destroyed, thus the masses of the kernels, popped and un-popped, should be the same. However, the water within the kernel turns into steam, which soon escapes once there’s enough pressure for the starch to gelatinize and the kernel to pop. As a result, the change of total mass between the 10 un-popped kernels and the 10 popped kernels is 0.323 g.
Summary Questions
1. When there’s a poor fuel to air ratio and incomplete combustion occurs, such as less air, the Bunsen burner creates a tall and bright yellow flame. In order to correct the problem and change it into a hot, blue, and noisy flame, the air flow to the burner should be increased to produce a more complete combustion by mixing air and gas first. In addition, the gas flow could be adjusted by turning the gas flow valve so that the gas and air ratio is correct.
2. After immediately shutting off the gas, completely close the gas flow valve and collar. Then, turn on the lab bench fuel valve, such that the handle of the valve is parallel to the outlet of the Bunsen burner. Then, open the gas flow valve with ½ full turn and create a spark with the striker slightly above the barrel. Adjust the collar slowly until the flame becomes a small blue cone, but do not allow too much air into the barrel or else the flame would blow out again.
1. The average mass of the popcorn before popping is greater than the mass of the popcorn after it was popped. This resulted in a negative change of mass since the average mass of 1 un-popped kernel was 0.1715 g, and after popping, the average mass of 1 popped kernel was 0.1392, which was an 18.83 % percent change in mass.
2. The mass changed because some of the moisture within the kernels turned into steam, which escaped when the kernels popped. Furthermore, the experiment took place in an open system, thus the steam from the kernel is able to escape. Therefore, the mass of the water that underwent phase change to gas is lost into the air or evaporated.
3. The fact that there was a change in mass among the recorded masses of the un-popped kernels and popped-kernels does not show that the law of conservation of matter is false. As a result of the steam escaping from the kernels when they pop, the change of mass was actually the evaporation or escape of the steam into the air. Matter was not destroyed when the kernels popped, instead, the decrease of mass observed in the data was the total mass of the moisture content within the 10 un-popped kernels, which turned into steam.