Children are being influenced by television shows on a daily basis. Some children are watching inappropriate television shows such as SpongeBob, Fish Hooks, Family Guy, South Park, Ed, Edd, Eddy, Scooby-Doo, Boondocks and etc. These shows can affect children as they grow up in many ways such as using profanity, violent and aggressive behavior, poor school performance and watch too much television may cause a slight obesity. There are many educational television shows that are best for child to watch such as Barney, Blue’s Clue, Dora the Explorer and etc. Parent should also limit the amount of time children spend watching television.
Monkey see, Monkey do Has your child ever said something to you and you were thinking, where did they get that from? Have the television shows that he or she watches daily ever come to your mind? Your child could be watching a television show that models inappropriate behaviors. I have experienced my nephew being influenced by SpongeBob and Family Guy. Recently, he was watching an episode and SpongeBob was calling himself and everybody an “idiot boy”, so my nephew began to call his mother and himself an “idiot”. He also started hitting himself on the forehead and saying he is stupid, which he also got from watching SpongeBob Square Pants. Research shows that children of the age two through ten should be playing sports, interacting with their peers or doing more gross motor activities. There are many ways television can affect children as they grow up such as watching television and video game that may influence kids between the age of two through ten by using profanity, violent and aggressive behavior, poor school performance and watch too much television may cause a slight obesity. It’s not so much that kids have changed, but the world is changing around them. Every day, children are being influenced by the world around them, and television is taking a big
Cited: Dowshen, Steven. “How TV Affect Your Child.” KidsHealth. The Nemour Foundation, Oct. 2011. Web. 19 Jan. 2012. <http://kidshealth.org////_affects_child.html>. The article discusses how you child is being influenced by television