I will use two communication theories to analyze the sentence, Dramatism and Semiotics. I have chosen these two theories because they offer interesting insights on the meaning …show more content…
Ben appeals to the act and the purpose. These two are stressed the most because in the conversation Ben is talking directly to Peter about his actions (act) and why he must act in an according way (purpose). Ben’s description emphasizes the act because Ben is trying to tell Peter how to do something, and the purpose, because Ben is trying to convince Peter to understand his reasoning. While Ben was talking he mentions the words responsibility and power. These are direct G-d terms because they have significant meaning in our society. The word power is a word that encompasses dominance and experience while the word responsibility deals with duty and …show more content…
Semiotics is mostly used to show how meaning is created, how meaning is shared, and how meaning is used (Dr. Dupal, Mar 16). The goal of Semiotics is to interpret the verbal and the nonverbal aspect of signs. Both the nonverbal and verbal sides make up the theory of Semiotics. Nonverbal studies semiotics and the verbal side studies the linguistics. When put together you get the theory of semiotics. Three dimensions are involved with signs; the physical, the representational, and the conceptual dimensions. The physical aspect deals with the image itself, for example, what is in the image, and what can you see? The representational represents the meaning, or how does the sign appeal to your emotions. The conceptual deals with the sign as in how do the things in the picture, ad, etc. come together and make it whole.
Two parts that come together to form the sign are the, signifier and the signified. The signifier is the physical form of the sign and the signified is the meaning we associate with the sign (Dr. Dupal Mar 16). In the study of semiotics, ideas of second-level connotations or new usages for words produced by the speaker are