The world is rapidly developing in most aspects of human life. In the aspect of economy, companies or firms nowadays pursue global plans so as to introduce and develop their products as well as their services in other countries, instead of only focusing on business in their nation. However, the companies’ success depends not only on their own activities but also other factors from outside. Therefore, people have widely adopted marketing systems as a tool to obtain their goals. Some interesting articles and books address this issue. Layton, a professor of marketing at the University of New South Wale in Australia, in his articles “Marketing Systems: A Core Macromarketing Concept” in 2007, examines the relationship between marketing systems with macromarketing, and “On Economic Growth, Marketing Systems, and Quality of Life” in 2009, mentions the role of marketing systems in the economic growth and quality of life. In addition, Dixon and Wilkinson, in the chapter 1 “Marketing: a behavior system” of their book, named “The Marketing System” in 1982, explore marketing as the behavior of subjects that have mutual relationships to make market transactions.
Layton (2007, p.230) states ‘Marketing systems is a network of individuals, groups, and/or entities linked directly or indirectly, through sequential or shared participation in economic exchange but creates, assembles, transforms, and makes available assortments of products, both tangible and intangible, provided in response to customer demand’. The main point of Layton’s article in 2007 is that the concept of marketing systems is considered as the main point in thinking about macromarketing. In other words, marketing systems can be found by the diversity of contexts. The writer provides a broad understanding about marketing systems by making a list of samples of the marketing system concept of other authors which help readers to understand in depth. In addition, the author states that