The novel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” is a book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe who was highly against slavery. She believed slavery was evil, un-ethical and un-Christian. This book is an anti-slavery novel meant to persuade the Northerners that keeping slaves and mistreating them is “evil”. Slavery was thought of as one of the worst times in American history and one of the most embarrassing and tainted times in history. The harm that was brought upon other humans and how they were treated like cattle was very evil and Harriet agreed.
Uncle Tom’s Cabin was written after the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, which made it illegal for anyone to offer aid to a runaway slave. The novel was written to attack this law and everyone who supported this movement. Each of Stowe’s scenes, was to persuade the reader that slavery is evil, un-Christian, and intolerable in a civil society. The …show more content…
After this slave hunter was almost killed by the slaves he was trying to capture he becomes a changed man. He was spared by them and then healed by a highly religious and honorable Quaker. Uncle Tom dies a Christian martyr by forgiving Legree after he has been beaten to near death. As he slowly dies he express that he shows no hardships towards Legree and his men and through this Uncle Tom becomes a great model for both white and blacks. His story expresses just how evil slavery is and how awful these people had to live. They endured more than most any other human could endure making these people heroes to the children next in line.
Uncle Tom’s Cabin was a great book and expresses a lot of different feelings and makes the reader experience those same feelings. The black people today have it a lot easier then Uncle Tom did but yet some are still miss treated. Religion is very significant in this world and strong believers can help find a way to ultimately bring people together and bring the peace amongst