Jealousy is a lethal weapon if used in the wrong hands. Jealousy is the feeling of resentment against someone’s success or advantages. In the texts, “Othello” and “How to Get into Medical School, Part l and Part ll”, the authors William Shakespeare and Vincent Lam decide to use the theme of jealousy to develop an appealing plot for the reader.
The story of Fitzgerald in “How to Get into Medical School, Part l and Part ll” has the theme of jealousy written all over. The first glimpse of Fitzgerald’s envious thoughts occurs when Ming tells Fitzgerald that she gets accepted to medical school while Fitzgerald replies with a mocking “Well, congratulations, Doctor Ming...” (page 16). Later on, Fitzgerald’s jealous mind turns towards Karl. “...he hated knowing that his marks were soaring as a result of Karl’s study methods.” (page 60). Fitzgerald’s jealous thoughts only appear to slip out at tense moments. The jealousy throughout Fitzgerald’s role in the story creates a more interesting plot line for the reader.
While the text “How to Get into Medical School, Part l and Part ll” demonstrates the theme of jealousy very well; Othello, being one of the classic Shakespearean plays, has gained its reputation for the theme of jealousy. In the novel “Othello” Iago is a victim of jealousy and causes him to act out of the ordinary. At the beginning of the plot Iago is blindsided by Othello because Othello chooses Cassio over Iago for the job of lieutenant. Jealousy takes control of Iago and causes him to plot revenge against Othello. “Till I am even’d with him, wife for wife, or failing so, yet that I put the Moor at least into a jealousy so strong that judgment cannot cure” (II, i, 299-302). Although jealousy is strongest between Iago and the Moor, the theme can also be found between Emilia and Desdemona, and Roderigo and Othello, and Desdemona and Othello. Very similar to the love triangle in “Twelfth Night” by William Shakespeare, this triangle can be found in this novel as well but replaced with jealousy. Shakespeare successfully implied the theme of jealousy into his novel “Othello”.
Although used in different ways, jealousy was efficiently portrayed in both “Othello” and “How to Get into Medical School, Part l and Part ll”. The authors decided to use jealousy as the main theme because it is an interesting topic to read about and it catches the reader’s attention. Many of the readers have had real life situations of jealousy which allows them to relate to the text more often. This will hook them onto the text much more. That is why the theme of jealousy is such a successful theme to write about. Jealousy can be used in so many different ways and can still be as effective.
Jealousy is a strong theme and is capable of creating an effective plot if used correctly. The use of jealousy is very evident in both novels by Shakespeare and Vincent Lam. Both authors created a near-perfect atmosphere of jealousy for the reader.
Work Cited
Shakespeare, William. Othello. Vol. 1. Toronto: Harcourt Canada Ltd., 2000. Print.
Lam, Vincent. Bloodletting & Miraculous Cures. Toronto: Random House of Canada Ltd., 2005. Print.