10. The purchasing power parity hypothesis implies that an increase in inflation in one country relative to another will over a long period of time…
Page 3: Introduction to the Financial System Page 7: Commercial Banks Page 12: The Share Market and the Corporation Page 15: Corporations Issuing Equity into the Share Market Page 19: Investors in the Share Market Page 24: Short-term Debt Page 28: Medium- to Long-term Debt Page 32: Interest Rate Determination and Forecasting Page 37: The Foreign Exchange Market Page 40: Factors that Influence the Exchange Rate Page 42: Futures Contracts and Forward Rate Agreements Page 47: Options…
Commerce and trading are essential for the world economy and both are intrinsically dependent on money transfers and currency swap; not only, from one country to another, but also from one financial institution to another. The glue that allows this efficient funneling of funds is the rate that both the borrower and lenders agree to pay. However, the rate per se is not useful if it does not trustworthy. That is why it is so important to count on with an interest rate whose fixing and utilization be clean of any spot of misrepresentation and manipulation from its authors. There are a handful of such as rates in the current international financing market: Tibor, Libor, Sibor and Euribor. Nevertheless, by far the main interest rate utilized is LIBOR (London Inter-Banking Offered Rate). The total financial impact varies from nearly $554 trillion in OTC Interest rate Derivatives and €316 trillion in Short term Interest (Garcia, 2012, p. 1) to $360 trillion in financial products in different currencies (Scheiner & Broda, 2012, p. 1).…
This chapter begins with a thorough discussion of interest rates, yield curves, and their relationship to…
Based on IRP, if foreign interest rate is higher than domestic interest rate, than the corresponding foreign currency forward rate will be less than the spot rate. The limitation of this theory is when the default risk varies, the interest rate levels in various countries may reflect not only the forward premium but also differential levels of default risk.…
Bibliography: 1. The Country of the Future; Dazzled by Brazil’s Vast Potential, Are Investors Overlooking the Risk by Christopher Wright. CFA Magazine Set- Oct 2010…
2. When Covered Interest Parity (CIP) holds between two different countries X and Y, your decision to invest your money will: A) B) C) D) be indifferent between country X and country Y involve a forward hedging depend on which country initiated the IRP a and b…
1. Why are quoted spot rates very similar across all banks? 2. Why don't arbitrage opportunities exist for long periods of time? 3. Present a scenario and ask whether any type of international arbitrage is possible. If so, how would it be executed and how would market forces be affected? 4. Provide current interest rates of two countries and ask students to determine the forward rate that would be expected according to interest rate parity. Critical debate Should arbitrage be more regulated? Proposition Yes. Large financial institutions have the technology to recognize when one participant in the foreign exchange market is trying to sell a currency for a higher price than another participant. They also recognize when the forward rate does not properly reflect the interest rate differential. They use arbitrage to capitalize on these situations, which results in large foreign exchange transactions. In some cases, their arbitrage involves taking large positions in a currency and then reversing their positions a few minutes later. This jumping…
Bibow J. Global Imbalances, the U.S. Dollar, and how the crisis at the core of global finance spread to "self-insuring" emerging market economies. Levy Economics Institute Working Paper, No. 591.…
* Perfect Capital mobility: theory that real interest rate in Canada should equal that in the rest of the world is known as interest rate parity…
Bibliography: Arellano, M. (1987), “PRACTITIONERS’ CORNER: Computing Robust Standard Errors for Within-groups Estimators.” Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 49: 431–434. Backus, D. K., S. Foresi, and C. I. Telmer (2001), “Affine Term Structure Models and the Forward Premium Anomaly”. Journal of Finance 56: 279–304. Bekaert, G. (1996), “The Time-variation of Expected Returns and Volatility in Foreignexchange Markets: A General Equilibrium Perspective”. Review of Financial Studies 9: 42770. Béranger, F, G Galati, K Tsatsaronis and K von Kleist (1999): “The yen carry trade and recent foreign exchange market volatility”, BIS Quarterly Review, March, pp 33–7. Bhargava, Alok (1986) "On the Theory of Testing for Unit Roots in Observed Time Series," Review of Economic Studies, 53, 369–384. Breedon, Francis (2001) “Market Liquidity under Strees: Observations in the FX Market”, http://www.bis.org/publ/bppdf/bispap02g.pdf Brunnermeier, M K, Nagel, S and Pedersen, L H, Carry Trades and Currency Crashes, (April 2009), NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2008, Volume 23 Burnside, C, M Eichenbaum, I Kleshehelski and S Rebelo (2006): “The returns to currency speculation”, NBER Working Papers, no 12489, August. Burnside, C, M Eichenbaum and S Rebelo (2007): “The returns to currency speculation in emerging markets”, AEA Papers and Proceedings, vol. 97(2), pp 333–8. Burnside, C, M Eichenbaum, I Kleshchelski and S Rebelo (2011): “Do Peso Problems Explain the Returns to the Carry Trade?”, The Review of Financial Studies (2011) 24 (3): 853-891. Cairns, J, C Ho and R McCauley (2007): “Exchange rates and global volatility: implications for Asia-Pacific currencies”, BIS Quarterly Review, March, pp 41–52. Darvas, Zs. (2008), “Leveraged Carry Trade Portfolios”, Journal of Banking and Finance, Volume 33, Issue 5, May 2009, Pages 944-957 Farhi, E and Gabaix, X, “Rare disasters and Exchange Rates”, (February 2008), NBER Working Paper No. 13805 Friedman, Milton (1953), Essays in Positive Economics, Chicago University Press International Monetary Fund (1998): World economic outlook: financial turbulence and the world economy, October. Jonsson, Asgeir (2009), “Why Iceland?”, McGraw-Hill, New York…
One of the foundations of international economics is the theory of Purchasing Power Parity, which states that price levels in any two countries should be identical after converting prices into a common currency. As a theoretical proposition, PPP has long served as the basis for theories of international price determination and the conditions under which international markets adjust to attain long-term equilibrium. As an empirical matter, however, PPP has been a more elusive concept. (Pakko & Pollar, 2003). Another version of the theory explains changes in the exchange rate by changes in the relative purchasing power of the currencies. The explanation of the exchange rate is that it depends on supply and demand, and purchasing power is only one of many factors…
This paper will discuss how the violation of the traditionally covered arbitrage pricing activity is always practiced by the international currency and the interest charge swap markets who are reported to be inappropriately placing the prices, the interest rate swap market is found to be providing some kind of arbitrages which actually affects the long term forward exchange pricing process. The application of both the currency and the interest rate swaps providing a market for the bonds and contracts in the international market will be critically analyzed and discussed in this paper.…
For several years, when setting discount rates Damodaran has advocated more consideration of country risk premiums (CRP ) when it comes to assessing com- panies with activities in emerging markets. We have to acknowledge that his ap- proach is enjoying growing support among investment banks and auditing firms. At the same time, it is to be noted that Damodaran’s concept has failed to res- onate sufficiently with the academic community. This is reason enough to perform a systematic analysis and critical discussion of his country risk premium concept. Damodaran’s initial considerations concerning a country risk premium can be found in Damodaran (1999a) and Damodaran (2003), with further essentially unchanged mentions in his more recent publications. In our contribution we will…
Interest rate parity system is an economic concept, expressed as a basic algebraic identity that relates interest rates and exchange rates. Interest rate parity is one of the methods developed to explain exchange rate movements. Interest rate parity condition states that foreign exchange markets are in equilibrium when expected returns on deposits in a given period in one currency are equal to the expected returns on deposits in another currency when both the returns are measured in terms of a common currency. According to interest rate parity the difference between the interest rates paid on two currencies should be equal to the differences between the spot and forward rates.…