If you aren't enjoying your college, give it at least one year before you decide that it's just not right for you. When students first attend college, they get homesick or feel as though they made a mistake. After you attend for a year and you still don't like the school, then you should think about making changes.…
the route of going to a community college because of personal reasons such as those that can’t…
Don't be afraid to switch schools, after a trial year if the school or program you have chosen is not suitable to you. College is a major transition, and sometimes it takes the full year to really get into the groove of things and feel comfortable. It is always possible to reassess your options at the end of the year if you are still unhappy.…
Don't give up on a school until you complete a whole year there. It's natural for college students to feel homesick and overwhelmed because college is a completely different world. It is always possible to reassess your options at the end of the year if you are still unhappy.…
I'm attending Spoon River College for many reasons. I have chosen three reasons why and they are as follows. First reason is it is a smaller college than most colleges and universities in the area. The second reason is that they offer the same classes at Spoon that they offer at the other schools. My third and final reason is I don't have to travel out of town for my classes yet. These are the reasons i will be describing in the following paragraphs. Spoon River College has the most respectful, helpful, faculty that a school can have, i think. The instructors at Spoon River College are a lot more helpful and understanding than those at the other schools. They also help you pick out your classes which is also helpful.…
My decision to re-enroll in college was a part of a plan solely to provide for my daughter and motivate her to become independent. When I first started college, I was not thinking about my future in-depth until I discovered I was pregnant. This made me set up a plan to finish college get a degree and have a steady career by the time my daughter would be in the first grade. I stayed in college until the semester before I would deliver. Things got rocky on after the birth of my daughter but I could re-enroll after a couple of months as a new mother. I enrolled in the Remington College where I was very successful there but I was not happy. I originally wanted to go for an Associate’s degree but decided that I minus well get my Bachelors, so I transferred schools to University of Phoenix for A Bachelor’s in Business concentration Accounting. I have been to the university for a year now and have a year left. My daughter will start Pre-K this August and by the time she is in first grade, I should be doing working in career field of choice.…
My parents wanted me to go to Young Harris where there is nothing to do, like Pickens, to assure I wouldn’t get into any trouble. I didn't want that for myself, I knew I wanted a semi-city environment to help transition into a more busy area such as Atlanta, where I plan to move post graduation. After long nights of arguing about my future, my parents finally gave in and let me enroll at KSU. After enrolling at KSU I declared my major as Biology. As far as long term goals go I aspire to be a dermatopathologist and plan to later enroll into medical school. I was offered to chance to join a learning community so I took advantage of the opportunity as the email I received portrayed it to be a very beneficial experience. But at the same time I am a “first generation” student and I have absolutely no idea what i'm doing or if joining the community was ,or is, a great decision. I’m not exactly sure what I'm supposed to gain but I'm hoping for more individualized learning and the opportunity to be comfortable enough to ask for help in my classes.…
I choose 3 different programs and a degree I would like to complete. I want to become a Dental Assistant and if I can’t get into the program I choose 2 other options I would like to pursue. I choose the program Dental Assisting because this program sounds very interesting to me. UNC Chapel Hill is the only university in North Carolina that offers it. I like helping people and I think Dental Assisting will be good for me. My other option is to get a Bachelors in Art as a Spanish teacher. Spanish is my first language and I would enjoy teaching Spanish and help others learn it. UNC Wilmington offers this Degree as well as UNC Greensboro, UNC Chapel Hill, and UNC Charlotte. UNC Wilmington is the closes university to me and I would like to attend…
It’s very hard to believe that there are so many options for students to get an education right now. Students have the options to physically go to class, take them online, receive certification training and the list goes on. I graduated high school in 2002 and around that time, it seems that I only had two options: community college or a four-year university. Personally, I was leaning towards a Prince Georges Community College in Largo, MD, but my traditional parents disagreed. They were urging me to attend Towson University in Towson, MD. I really had to sit down and debate the pros and cons of both, before I could make a final decision.…
One of the first assignments that I completed asked my what career I was interested in and to research some colleges that I wanted to go to. For my career I chose OB/GYN or a pediatric physical therapist. As I moved on in the course and research more deeply into both careers I decided that I wanted to be more of a pediatric physical therapist that an OB/GYN. After asking what I was interested in my lesson began to ask what colleges would I like to attend and then I was asked to research the colleges that I chose. While I was researching I realized how much work that was needed to get into some colleges, how…
So, you have decided you want to go to college. Do you know what your options are? Read on to get a brief look at what these options have to offer and see what the pros and cons of each choice are. Every student is different and is looking for the type of college that fits them the best. Learning style and personal study preferences tend to assist in making the right choice. Attending college on a campus or online have similar outcomes but differ in how students attend class, complete class work, and interact with teachers and classmates. The decision is yours to make.…
High-school is a very important part of students lives. How one does during high-school will greatly affect their future and which college they go to. Getting into college you want can be very hard. I want to attend the University of Southern California (USC), although their undergraduate admissions are very competitive. Approximately 20% of the people who apply get accepted.…
Academically, the school system has always provided me the tools so that I could learn, but outside the traditional high school classroom, there is a myriad of opportunities where knowledge can be obtained. The summer before my senior year in high school the opportunity to take classes at the University of Louisville was bequeathed upon me. My parents guided me into possibly taking core content material classes, for example, math or science. However, there was a wide range of classes in which I could partake in, but the ones which caught my attention were in the Sociology department. Although my parents were not thrilled with my decision of taking leisurely courses which were possibly not going to count towards my future major in college, I felt it was the intelligent decision.…
In the end, I settled on Macalester College, a small liberal-arts school in Minnesota with a strong emphasis on internationalism and social action. It is certainly more mainstream than most of the schools that began my college search, but it is also intimate enough that I wouldn’t be able to slip through many cracks; it is located in a sizable metropolitan area where my learning would not be defined exclusively by campus boundaries; it is a place where hard questions are encouraged and expected; and its classes and dorms are well-represented by a diversity of backgrounds and perspectives. In hindsight, it was as good of a choice as any I could have made.…
Most people come to a point in their lives when they must make a big decision that can change the entire direction that their lives will go. A typical time for this to happen for a young adult is at the age when some will either go to college or not. It also may occur if the start of college doesn’t exactly go turn out to be like what you thought it would be, and you are stuck with them dilemma of what comes next, what should I do? An important choice must be made, but how do you know if it will be the right one? You don’t for sure. I was faced with this exact situation this past year in college, and it was a tough decision to make. It is a journey that eventually led me to become a transfer student at Monroe College. I thought that my beginning as a student athlete at Niagara University would be right for me, but it wasn’t that easy after all. Going to a division one college and playing on the basketball team was a dream of mine for many years. I worked so hard to get there both in the classroom, with tutors, and of course as a high school athlete playing basketball with my teams to get recruited. Most people don’t realize just how difficult and competitive it is to get a division one scholarship to college. They assume that it is all about skill in sports, but it is much more than that. You must score well enough on the SAT exam and have more than just passing grades in a minimum of 16 classes, as well as graduate high school on time. Playing and keeping up with academics during high school is challenging. You must make the N.C.A.A. requirements to play division 1 basketball, and remain eligible once you get there.…