can also remind them of memories. A key role that carers take upon themselves is console those who get upset, helping to settle the individual, reminding them that relatives are coming to see them or changing the subject and talking about the weather or what they would like for supper for example. I think it important that carers make the individual’s feel valued and wanted by having regular conversations and being interested in their past experiences by asking questions and making them feel loved and allowing the individual feel confident enough to be able to talk to you about their struggles. Sometimes there are individuals that struggle to understand why they are in care, or constantly want to go home, as a carer it is important to make the individuals feel safe and welcome where they live, sometimes it is good to remind those who are unsettled that they were put in care for their safety and being at home could lead to danger or hazards, remind them that they are well looked after here and this is what their families want and they regularly come to visit. Medication is important too as carers are responsible to give it to those who it is prescribed to. A carer’s role is to make sure that everybody takes their medication and if an individual refuses to take their medication, it is important to explain to them why they have to take it. Carers are responsible for maintaining and individuals diet, making sure their health is maintained and prompting
can also remind them of memories. A key role that carers take upon themselves is console those who get upset, helping to settle the individual, reminding them that relatives are coming to see them or changing the subject and talking about the weather or what they would like for supper for example. I think it important that carers make the individual’s feel valued and wanted by having regular conversations and being interested in their past experiences by asking questions and making them feel loved and allowing the individual feel confident enough to be able to talk to you about their struggles. Sometimes there are individuals that struggle to understand why they are in care, or constantly want to go home, as a carer it is important to make the individuals feel safe and welcome where they live, sometimes it is good to remind those who are unsettled that they were put in care for their safety and being at home could lead to danger or hazards, remind them that they are well looked after here and this is what their families want and they regularly come to visit. Medication is important too as carers are responsible to give it to those who it is prescribed to. A carer’s role is to make sure that everybody takes their medication and if an individual refuses to take their medication, it is important to explain to them why they have to take it. Carers are responsible for maintaining and individuals diet, making sure their health is maintained and prompting