ILM offer a range of qualifications at Level 2 including Award & Certificate in Leadership and
Team Skills. Currently we are just offering the Award in Leadership and Team Skills.
ILM Level 2 Award in Leadership and Team Skills.
This award aims to give practising and potential team leaders the foundation for their formal development in team leading skills. The qualification does this by developing basic management and leadership skills and assisting participants in gaining the basic knowledge required for this level.
Entry Requirements
There are no formal entry requirements, but participants will: u Normally be either practicing or aspiring team leaders with the opportunity to meet the assessment demands u Have a background that will enable them to benefit from the programme – which means learners are likely to be working at or beyond level 1 Literacy and Numeracy.
Team Leader Profile
Team leaders are best perceived as being part of the team; first and foremost they are practitioners or operators working alongside other team members.
Being leaders of teams augments this role, but does not significantly affect their general responsibility to engage in the same or complementary job tasks as the other team members. Given that teams are likely to contain relatively small numbers of people the team leaders span of control is quite small.
The team leader role is distinct from that of the first line manager in its tendency to focus on the shorter term, on the day to day performance of the team and its members. This means a responsibility for allocating tasks between team members, for ensuring that individuals are supported in the performance of their job role, and that output conforms to the requirements of the organisation and its customers.
Communication between the team and its managers is a significant part of the team leader’s role. Team leaders can be expected to be aware of the need to