(WICaNeM 2012); Track: Values, Relations and Competitiveness in Food Chains.
Wageningen, The Netherlands, 23-25 May 2012.
Understanding conditions for sustainable supply chain management:
- Cases from China’s food processing sector
William H. Redekop1, Cecilia Mark-Herbert1, Pao T. Kao2
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Economics
Johan Brauners väg 3, 75651 Uppsala, Sweden
Email: william.redekop@slu.se
Uppsala University, Department of Business Studies
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10, 75120 Uppsala, Sweden
Multinational (MNC) food processors are facing rapid growth in emerging markets and a concurrent need for sustainable supply chain management (SSCM). A comparative case study of the practices of two MNC processors in China provides insights into the impact market conditions have on the viability of SSCM strategies. Findings suggest that low stakeholder expectations for triple bottom line sustainability may limit widespread potential for SSCM.
However given evolving institutions, a SSCM strategy may offer advantages for strategic input processors, facilitating quality and strengthening relationships seen as more valuable in reducing supply risk than contracts, which are challenging to legally enforce.
Keywords: International Supply Chain Management; Sustainability; Relational-based
Contracting; Case Studies; China
1. Introduction
The world has entered an era characterised by rapidly growing demand for food, declining resource availability and rising volatility (WEF 2011). Recognising the need for more sustainable production, leaders in food processing have begun to implement supply chain management strategies targeting improved environmental, social and economic performance
(Pullman et al. 2009; WEF 2011). Growing interest in sustainable food products among consumers in developed markets creates opportunities
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