Under the constitution of India, Industrial Relations is centered around term ‘Labour’ which is a subject in the concurrent list of both Central and State Government and both are competent to enact laws or legislation in this regard.
Historically this aspect derive its origin, inspiration and strength partly from the views expressed by important nationalist leaders during the days of freedom struggle, partly from the debates in the constituent assembly at that time and partly from International conventions and recommendations. The relevance of dignity of human being as an employer or employee needed to be protected and safeguarding their interest reflects in the constitution, keeping in line with Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of state policy.
There is a need to provide information on the evolution of Indian system of Industrial Relations, Labour welfare reforms, social security, protection of wages, redressel of grievances, right to organize and collective bargaining and participation in management.
Reforms and the dynamic economic environment and emerging needs of the workforce have forced us to take stock and identify thrust areas facing IR in India. There is no one book which covers all the aspects, concepts and technique in handling the subject matter, hence reliance is placed on other source of information like News, journals, periodicals and internet HR web