Understanding the gay and lesbian community can be very complex. My research consisted of the problems within the gay and lesbian community, and some of the most common beliefs some may have. As my questions was administered to the interviewee, which was a man that considered himself a “ gay man”, I begin to also feel the emotions, confusions, and hurt from this person. The results to my research and interview was informative, and will help me in my career as an up and coming helper.
Keywords: discrimination, psychological affects, disease
The lesbian, gay, and bisexual community have experienced a lot of discrimination throughout most of the 20th century. There have been public opinion polls taken in the 1970’s, 1980’s, and 1990’s that proved that the negative opinion about the gay, lesbian, and bi-sexual community. There is also discrimination, and pre within the gay, lesbian, and bi-sexual community. One of the most common discrimination within their community is between the gay and bi-sexual man. During my interview, I was surprised to know that there is personal identity issues within our race, with African American’s tend to be less exceptive of other gay, lesbian, and bi-sexual individuals, then in any other race. Some believe today’s discrimination is mostly towards the gay, lesbian, and bi-sexual community. You can see some of the discrimination In our politics today in the debate over gay and lesbian marriages, and adoptions, plus their own individual experiences.
Psychological Affects1
Homosexual people tend to experience more mental health problems than heterosexual people, research indicates. Discrimination may contribute to the higher risk, believes lead researcher Dr. Apu Chakraborty of University College London, UK. The studies that his team did, showed that because of the constant discrimination may cause long-tern post-traumatic stress disorder, and depression. This in return also causes health problems, because of the consistent stress in their lives, causes a higher risk of heart disease, and high blood pressure. During my interview, It was interesting to hear that a lot of gay, lesbian, or bi-sexual individuals don’t like to talk about their feelings, if it is betraying them as weak, because they want to be accepted, so they must appear to accept themselves, not giving those they want acceptance from any excuse to not understand their choice.
Disease within the Gay, and Lesbian Community. People who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) are members of every community. They are diverse, come from all walks of life, and include people of all races and ethnicities, all ages, all socioeconomic statuses, and from all parts of the country. The perspectives and needs of LGBT people should be routinely considered in public health efforts to improve the overall health of every person and eliminate health concerns people may have. In addition to considering the needs of LGBT people in programs designed to improve the health of entire communities, there is also a need for culturally competent medical care and prevention services that are specific to this population. Social inequality is often associated with poorer health status, and sexual orientation has been associated with multiple health threats. Members of the LGBT community are at increased risk for a number of health threats when compared to their heterosexual peers [1-5]. Differences in sexual behavior account for some of these disparities, but others are associated with social and structural inequities, such as the stigma and discrimination that LGBT populations experience.
1. Last American Psychological Association. (2008). Answers to your questions: For a better understanding of sexual orientation and homosexuality. Washington, D.C.
2. APA Reference
Collingwood, J. (2011). Higher Risk of Mental Health Problems for Homosexuals. Psych Central. Retrieved on November 19, 2013, from http://psychcentral.com/lib/higher-risk-of-mental-health-problems-for-homosexuals/0006527
3. Content source: National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Name, F. M. (Year). Article Title. Journal Title, Pages From - To.
Last Name, F. M. (Year). Book Title. City Name: Publisher Name.
1. 1What is the "politically correct" way to refer to people in the gay and lesbian community?
2. How do you prefer to be addressed as far as your sexual preference, or is that not correct to say?
3. Do you have any personal identity issues within your race because you are gay/lesbian?
4. Do you believe people are born gay/lesbian, or are they taught in some since or a combination of both?
5. Do you think gay/lesbian couples make better parents? Should gay/lesbian be allowed to adopt like any other couple looking to adopt?
6. Do most gay/lesbian couples want to be parents?
7. Do you think growing up in a house hold with gay/lesbian parents will influence the child to be gay/lesbian? Why or why not?
8. Did you grow up in a house hold with gay/lesbian parents?
9. Some people say that being gay/lesbian is a psychological problem and can be fixed, what are your beliefs about that?
10. What do you think about the gay/lesbian marriage issues?
11. Do you think the world will change the meaning of “free from discrimination” with the legalization of marriage between gay/lesbian couples?
12. Do you think that the gay/lesbian community spread more disease? Why do you think so many people believe this to be so?
13. Is there a difference between being gay/lesbian or bi-sexual?
14. Is it true that most gay/lesbian men or women don’t respect or appreciate bi-sexual men or women? Why is that?
15. Isn’t that a form of discrimination?
16. If you voice can be heard around the whole world, what do you want people to know about you or the gay/lesbian community?
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Figure 1.
For more information about all elements of APA formatting, please consult the APA Style Manual, 6th Edition.
References: 1. Last American Psychological Association. (2008). Answers to your questions: For a better understanding of sexual orientation and homosexuality. Washington, D.C.
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