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BUS 303: Human Resources Management
Farrell Martin
Human Resource Management Reflective Paper I strongly believe Human Resource Management is the most appropriate name for the position. It points out the importance of the most valuable resource an organization has, its people, and identifies programs to ensure its most valuable resource is taken care of so the organization can attain its strategic goals and objectives! Human resource management has been called a number of different names in recent history as the duties have grown and matured into the position it is today. Since human resource management was recognized as an independent and important function, it was earliest called "Personnel Relations", evolving to "Industrial Relations", then "Employee Relations" and , finally, to its current name "Human Resource Management." Although the terminology of human resource management is a new term some of the vital principles have been used since prehistoric times. Such practices as mechanisms for selecting tribal leaders and recording knowledge and passing it along to future generations about safety, health, hunting and gathering can be shown documented as early as 1000 B.C. to 2000 B.C. The Chinese are known as one of the first cultures to use employee screening techniques tracing back as far as 1115 B.C. and the concept of "the apprentice" system can be traced back to the Greek and Babylonian civilizations, ages before the medieval times. (Shete, 2011). Regardless of the title the human resource managers tasks continue to grow and develop with a linty of responsibly all surrounding the concept of take care of the people and the people will in turn take care of the organization. Two of the programs human resource managers are entrusted with are the oversight of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Affirmative Action Programs (AA). EEO was established to prohibit
References: Golland, D. (2011). Constructing Affirmative Action : The Struggle for Equal Employment Opportunity. (Ashford University ed.). Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky Herod, R. (2009). Global HR Management Series : Global Compensation and Benefits : Developing Policies for Local Nationals. Retrieved from Mathis, R. L., & Jackson, J. H. (2007). Human resource management (12th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western. Martin, V. (2006). Managing Projects in Human Resources, Training and Development. Retrieved from Shete, R. (2011). Human Resource Its Development in Modern Era. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR BUSINESS STRATEGY & MANAGEMENT, Vol. 1(No. 1), 8. Youssef, C. (2012). Human Resource Management. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.