Prepared by-Paul Daniel Lakra
The oxford English Dictionary meaning of Politics is sensible and wise in the circumstances. That means analysing a particular environment or situation and deciding the course of action to the extent it is relevant and appropriate. In my study here I have used politics as a form of governance, governance of people, God’s people and as we will proceed I will try to explain the different form of governance in Old Testament Books and later try to put its relevance in Today’s World. The mere relationship of God and his people can be understood by the whole politics of governance so that it can reflect nothing but Obedience of people towards God. God created heaven and earth and the seas and all that is in them and as such has authority over all people and nations and power and principalities and institution which are to be brought into conformity, with his moral will and goodness and grace. “The fall” of man is interpreted in so many terms; however I have used its interpretation as God’s politics. When man was created he was given charge of everything but what was also instructed to man was “you may eat the fruits of any tree in the garden, except the tree that gives knowledge of what is good and bad. You must not eat the fruit of that tree (the tree of knowledge); if you do, you will die that same day”- (Gen 2:16, 17). However we see that he did eat the fruits of that tree and disobey God’s command which results in God’s Judgement and both man and women are sent out of the Garden of Eden. Now here it make me wonder why did this happened if one see God who created everything, who knows everything , then why did God made tree of knowledge and also why this tree’s fruit was prohibited to man plus was God not aware that man will fall under snake influence? While I was thinking about these questions few ideas which made sense to me in
References: • The Holy Bible, NIV • Richard Banchkam, The bible in Politics • Roy B. Zuch, Vital Old testament Issues • Bangalore Theological Forum Vol. 39/1, June 2007. • James limburg, The Prophets and the powerless • John Edmiston, A theology of Politics