Executive MBA
(OIL & GAS Management)
Batch: _______________________
Semester: _______________________
Name: _______________________
Sap No/Regn No: _______________________
Assignment – 2
Understanding Oil & Gas Business
MDSO 801
University of Petroleum & Energy Studies
SECTION A (4X5) Write short notes on the following
Q3. Catalytic Reforming
SECTION B (3X10) Long notes
Q1. Name and Explain different types of platform?
Q2. Roles and functions of PNGRB.
Q3. What is Natural gas and explain various forms of natural gas?
Q1. Describe how oil is formed and how it migrated and got trapped in certain locations below the surface of the earth. Explain the different methods used in the production of oil.
Q2. The changing environment within the gas industry
A Transco case study
Gas is the carefully controlled source of nearly half of the country’s energy needs. And most of that gas is transported safely and reliably by a British company - Transco. All day, every day, sophisticated computer-based telemetry watches, records and reports as the gas goes through meters, compressors, valves and governors on its way to more than 20 million homes, factories and businesses. Millions of cubic metres of gas every day are pushed through the system at a steady 10-15 miles an hour.
Transco is the gas transportation arm of BG plc. The top management team comprises a managing director, chief operating officer, finance director, corporate affairs director and strategy