CCW is a public sector organisation which employs approximately 500 people. It was established in 1990 as a Government advisory body to help sustain natural beauty, wildlife, and inshore waters throughout Wales.
CCW services ensure that the natural environment and countryside is managed and protected, as well as allowing greater access to the countryside. They deal with issues such as wildlife, landscape, climate change, marine policy, nature reserves, and the rural economy.
The target customers include people of all ages, genders, class and race who all have a need to use or enjoy the countryside in Wales and surrounding waters.
CCW’s goal by 2020 is to make the environment a valued part of everyone’s life in Wales, by ensuring a more distinctive landscape character with greater biodiversity of wildlife. These improvements will be measured by monitoring and carrying out surveys. CCW plan to spend £1 million each year on projects to encourage people to experience and learn about the natural environment, and £6 million on projects to enhance the natural environment and landscapes of Wales.
CCW is funded by the government with an annual budget of £45 million. CCW give grants to farmers and land owners to manage their land in an environmentally friendly way. It also gives grants for other environmental projects.
PESTLE Analysis.
In 2008 Government politicians wanted CCW to reduce their organisational carbon footprint. CCW set a target that by 2012 they would reduce it by 24%. They achieved a 40 % reduction by improving staff awareness, introducing low emission central heating boilers, introducing low fuel emission vehicles and reducing the need for staff to travel by introducing audio visual conferencing.
Social and Cultural
People want better access to the countryside. Responding to this pressure