By Tom Villa
Nov 11, 2010
Anxiety is normal for people. It is normal for us to be worrying sometime for something that we expect to happen. But there are people who excessively and exaggeratedly worry about something or someone like, family, money, work, career and etc. That is what we call social anxiety disorder. People with this kind of disorder tend to worry too much until it became unrealistic and out of proportion in the situation. And that has become a part of daily life. This manifestation would become a disorder and needs some professional treatment.
Social anxiety disorder is when someone is not only anxious about normal things but their anxiety can be triggered by these situations such as meeting new people, being the center of attraction, being watched while doing something, making small talk, public speaking, performing on stage, being criticized or teased, being called in a class, going on a date making phone calls, using public bathrooms, taking exams, eating or drinking in public, speaking up in a meeting or even attending parties …show more content…
Physical symptoms could be easily predicted by people. These acts include Pounding heart or tight chest, shaky voice, rapid breathing, sweating or hot flashes, upset stomach, nausea, dry mouth, trembling or shaking, muscle tension, blushing, dizziness, feeling faint, clammy hands and twitching. Psychological symptoms on the other hand includes intense worry for days, weeks, or even months before an upcoming social situation, extreme fear of being watched or judged by others, especially people you don't know, excessive self-consciousness and anxiety in everyday social situations, fear that you'll act in ways that that will embarrass or humiliate yourself, fear that others will notice that you're nervous, and avoidance of social situations to a degree that limits your activities or disrupts your