In this project, Christo and Jeanne faced insurmountable challenges. Firstly, constructing such huge installation artwork need to invest sufficient money for this project. Funds for hiring installers and for various materials are high to spend. Unlike paintings and sculptures, collectors will not pay for it. Secondly, area planning is another main difficulty. Silk is both soft and light, so it can definitely display more comfortable and flexible advantage than other material. Although it dries out quickly, the weather of raining needs to be concerned. California is one of states in United State having the nice weather that will be the best selection for extending the display time. And the mist from sea flows back and forth that leads the fence will be constantly appearing and disappearing.
Thirdly, the landscape of sea shore area is full of sags and crests, this problem created difficulties to transport the materials by trucks, helicopters became the main transport for the project. Fourthly, Christo and Jeanne need to get the support from the local people in their project area. Artists are full of passion, dreams and ideas. Not all of people will appreciate of their creative and intelligence artworks. A tendency toward co-operation is main factor to achieve success for the project. At the beginning of project, private land owners did not understand the purpose for such artwork.