Ingrid Waldron, Biology Department, University of Pennsylvania, 2012
These key concepts and activities are suggested as part of an introductory unit on biological molecules (or as an introduction to a unit on molecular biology). The overarching goal is to help students understand that proteins and DNA are not just abstract concepts in biology textbooks but rather crucial components of our bodies that affect familiar functions and characteristics.
Key Concepts:
• Proteins are responsible for many important aspects of cell structure and function.
• Differences in the structure and function of proteins result in differences in the characteristics of biological organisms. Teaching Approaches:
1. Brainstorming session using the probe "What are proteins? Why are proteins important?"
2. Show YouTube video "Protein Functions in the Body"
-- omit hormone section which has inaccuracies
-- ask students to identify 5 functions of proteins
3. Hands-on activity: Enzymes Help Us Digest Food (available at
Experiments using the enzyme lactase and discussion questions help students to learn about enzyme function, enzyme specificity, and the molecular basis of lactose intolerance. Students also learn about the scientific method by interpreting evidence to test hypotheses and designing the second and third experiments to answer specific scientific questions about lactase.
4. Review protein functions and reinforce the idea that, if a protein is missing or defective, this has observable effects on our bodies:
Protein Function Examples Effect if This Protein Missing or Defective*
Enzyme Lactase (breaks down lactose) Lactose intolerance (difficulty digesting milk) Enzyme for synthesizing melanin (pigment that gives our skin and hair color) Albinism (very pale skin and hair)
Transport Hemoglobin