My essay shares how socioeconomic downturns can affect marriage and divorce. The road to marriage used to follow the traditional course of love, marriage and then babies a generation ago. Today many couples are focusing on their careers first, living together, and then maybe getting married in the future. More couples share similar educational and career statuses than in the past generations. There are also more women in the workforce than ever before. Well, what happens when the economy takes a turn like it has in the past few years? Current research has shown that 75 percent of women will not marry someone who was unemployed. Having a job is an important factor when meeting a future spouse! (Gannon) Unemployment can cause a couple to feel overwhelmed, powerless and frightened.
Even if you have a job research has shown that even the profession you choose and the length of your commute can have a positive or negative impact on your relationship. It was interesting to read that certain careers like dancers, choreographers, bar tenders and roofers had some of the highest divorce rates. The professions with the lowest divorce rates were people with careers in religion, optometry, nuclear engineering and public transit. Professions with high stress were also a source of marital discord. Some careers may put a marriage at risk when they are all- consuming. (Gannon)
The economic downturn in 2007 caused strain on 29% of marriages according to University of Virginia’s Survey of Marital Generosity. The economic downturn is putting stress on couple in every income level. Many couples are seeking financial, marital and spiritual counseling to help them through
these difficult times. I personally know some people that are postponing or avoiding marriage due to financial reasons. It is interesting to see how the economic downturn has caused a decline in marriage rates and how the work-life balance has an
Cited: Cohen, Philip. “Recession, Resilience, Divorce? Family Inequality. 18 Dec. 2009. Web. 25 Nov. 2012 “Crisis Cuts Divorce Rates.” Economic Crisis, U.S Dodds, Bill. “When Unemployment Hits Home: Seven Ways to Help Your Marriage”. Careers. Web. Nov. 2012 Gannon, Drew