Employment in simple words can be defined as an occupation by which a person can earn his living. And Unemployment is the inability of providing gainful work to people who are willing to work. And for a country like India, employment has become one of the major challenges of the current economy. Despite the economic reforms and the IT & BPO boom, the unemployment situation in India is getting worse. Therefore, emphasis is given on providing more employment opportunities which in turn reflects on economic growth of the country.
Whenever we are talking about economic development, we cannot ignore young generation. Youth have been recognized as "the most vital section of the community". Among the other problems, the youths of India has been facing the unemployment problem. Life for an unemployed youth is very miserable in all aspects. They are in tremendous pressure from all sides. The question 'what are you doing?' without understanding the ground reality of employment opportunity questions the usefulness of his life. The problem lies with the high expectation of the family member and the society, who always nag him without knowing the mental tensions of the youth concerned and the situation around him. So the educated youth rushes after tuition for his livelihood forgetting almost all-important aspects of his life and getting less chance to think for the society and for himself too. Quite appropriately, the problem of youth unemployment has been recognized as an aspect of national unemployment problem. Educated youths have no stable and durable employment. An unemployed youth takes a long time to find work and secures it at an inadequate remuneration since job seekers far outnumber the available opportunities.
Basically Unemployment is of three types:
1. DISGUISED UNEMPLOYMENT: It is a situation which more people are engaged in an activity than the required ones. The people who are actually engaged in such an activity appear
Bibliography: http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/life/2005/07/22/stories/2005072200100400.htm http://www.tribuneindia.com/2001/20010721/edit.htm#2 www.bandcool.com