Based on my research (, 2015), the Australian Labour Market Statistics (July 2014); the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) measures the unemployment rate in Australia. The data came and it is published monthly from the Labour Force Survey (LFS) in Labour Force, Australia (cat. no. 6202.0). And are described by many attributes such as age; sex; marital status; geography; country of birth duration of job search.
An individual is said to be employed if he or she worked an hour in the previous week working at a paid job including family business or self-employment. And to be categorised someone as unemployed a person must satisfy the following indicators (Gans et al., 6th Edition, p. 671).:
- inactive …show more content…
When referred to (, 2015) website, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) states that unemployed people as those who are: not working one hour or more; and actively seeking work, and currently available for work. The ABS cleaved to the international standards and states that unemployed persons are those aged 15 years and over who were not working.
Based on my research (, 2015), ABS explains unemployment base on the three criteria stated above which determine labour force status, and, therefore, to classify an individual as unemployed, namely: temporary layoff from work, searching for a job, and whether they are available to start working.
1. Without work – this is used to discern those who have worked and those who do not work.
2. Actively seeking work means those who applied for a job in the last four weeks.
3. Currently available for work- is someone who is waiting to start a new …show more content…
Respondents are not interviewed whether they are working or not, instead ABS uses self-guided online questionnaires or trained interviewers as respondents questions based on the questionnaire itself; Census.
This measure is available since the year 1966. We can look for the information of the questionnaire information used in LFS please see Information Paper Questionnaires Used in the Labour Force Survey (cat no. 6232.0).
(This is derived from the ABS website (, 2015). It shows how they categorise people as employed, unemployed or not in the labour force.!OpenElement&FieldElemFormat=gif
Once the survey is being categorised, it calculates various statistics to summarise the state labour market.
The Russian Revolution may never have succeeded if there hadn’t already been widespread discontent among the Russian populace (Bulliet et al., 2005, p.