Lessons drawn from the CASCADe programme in Benin and Senegal
Article under the direction of Françoise d’Estais and Robert Vergnes. Mme Françoise d’Estais is
Program Manager at the United Nations Environment Programme in charge of carbon finance
- francoise.destais@unep.org . Mr. Robert Vergnes is a member of the panel of experts to the Joint Implementation
Supervisory Committee (JISC) of the UNFCCC, and Practice Leader of Energy & Climate Change at ERM,
Mediterranean Division -– robert.vergnes@erm.com . With the participation of Dr. Stefano Bonelli, Project Manager at ERM, and Edouard Crespeigne, Consultant at ERM.
This article has been written by the authors for general information purposes and does not necessarily reflect the views of the
United Nations or its member states or those of ERM or the Fonds Français pour l’Environnement Mondial.
Funded by the Fonds Français pour l’Environnement
Mondial and implemented by the United Nations
Environment Programme, the CASCADe programme has been managed over the past 4 years with the objective to enhance expertise to develop forestry and bio-energy carbon projects in sub-Saharan Africa.
Implemented by the United Nations Environment
Programme, CASCADe has provided institutional support, capacity building and project development support to nearly 30 projects in its 7 target countries.
ERM, one of the world 's leading providers of environmental consulting services, was commissioned to coordinate the CASCADe activities in Benin and
Senegal. Based on this experience, the article briefly presents the CASCADe programme, depicts a quick overview of the potential CDM market in the forestry and bio energy sectors in Africa and goes through the challenges faced by stakeholders in achieving that potential. It finally offers a series of lessons and recommendations drawn from the implementation of the programme.
References: : GEF - IFAD, 2002; Tracking Land Degradtion and Desertification partnership, 2002 Richard R Houghton R., Unruh J., and Lefebvre P., 1993; Current Land Cover in the Tropics and its Potential For Sequestering Carbon 7 (2), 305-320 UNECA, 2011; Critical Issues in Bioenergy: Exploring the Opportunities, Junginger M., Faaij A., Rosillo-Calle F. and Wood J., 2006; The Growing Role of Biofuels : Opportunities, Challenges and Pitfalls