Byron Nelson
February 11, 2013
U. Peter Wueger
University of Phoenix
Introduction Unethical practices and behaviors in accounting can be attributed to a variety of circumstances. Greed, opprotunity, disconnection, and ignorance can be said to be the primary root issues behind these practices. In an effort to prevent these practices former U. S. Senator Paul Sarbanes and former U. S. epresenative Michael Oxley drafter legislation that was inacted into law known as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act to set standards for companies within the U. S. to operate.
Root Causes Greed, the desire to have or obtain more than others an any cost. Greed has caused many otherwise honest people to break the law or to act in unethical ways. Accounting can deal with large amounts of monies and complex meathods for tracking. Some people can not resist the opprotunity to remove or hide somes of monies through their accounting practices. When persons are involved in marginal practices it can lead to a disconnect in their thinking that could lead to unethical practices. A persons ignorance as to what is or is not ethical can lead to practices and behaviors that can be unethical or illegal (Xaxx, 2013). …show more content…
S. but several other countries have adopted simular legislation effecting companies operating within their borders. The legislation has improved the communication between the executives of companies and those charges with the oversite of their accounting practices to ensure companie compliance with laws and regulations (Amato,