N. Strawbridge
November 4, 2014
P. Reynolds
Introduction Classical economic philosophies suggest that man is egotistical and focused on satisfying his own needs. When people encounter difficult ethical challenges they often solicit the question, "What should I do?" It is naïve to assume that everyone retains a strong moral compass and does the 'right thing ' even in small situations. Pinching a little piece of the pie, bending a rule once in a while, occasionally telling a white lie or just looking the other way for a moment, are common place in business. It is not the unethical act itself, but it is the rationalization of the unethical behavior that is the focus of this paper. Some of these rationalizations are honest misunderstandings, some are intentional misrepresentations, some are self-serving excuses, and some, simply make no sense at all. This paper will discuss 5 reasons people rationalize their bad decisions.
The Golden Rationalization “Everybody does it” is a rationalization that has been used to excuse ethical misconduct since the beginning of society. It is based on the blemished theory that the unethical nature of an act is somehow lessened by the number of people who do it, and if "everybody does it," then it is unconditionally okay for you to do it as well. People who cheat on a test, commit adultery, lie under oath or use illegal drugs of course don 't believe that what they are doing is right because "everybody does it." They usually are arguing that they shouldn 't be singled out for criticism if "no one else" is. If someone really is disputing that an action is no longer unethical because so many people do it, then that person is either in dire need of ethical tutoring, or an idiot (Marshall, 2012).
Ethical Vigilantism The Boondock Saints is a crime thriller that was released in 1999. The film tells the story of two Irish Catholic brothers who set out on what they believe is a mission
References: Brookins, A. (2013). Ways to prevent unethical behavior in the workplace. Retrieved from http://smallbusiness.chron.com/ways-prevent-unethical-behavior-workplace-21344.html George, B. (2011). Why leaders lose their way. Retrieved from http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/6741.html Heim, J. (2014). How to identify the 14 red flags of ethical misconduct & mitigate them with your compliance training program: Part 2. Retrieved from https://www.tnwinc.com/9844/identify-14-red-flags-ethical-misconduct-mitigate-compliance-training-program-part-2/ Marshall, J. (2012). Unethical rationalizations and misconceptions. Retrieved from http://ethicsalarms.com/rule-book/unethical-rationalizations-and-misconceptions/ Paramahamsa, K. (2009). Moral insight. Retrieved from http://www.trcb.com/religion/buddhism/moral-insight-470.htm Weeks, M. (2012). The ethics of vigilantism in "the boondock saints". Retrieved from http://mattweeks.hubpages.com/hub/The-Ethics-of-Vigilantism-in-The-Boondock-Saints