The government document “Unequal Justice Under the Law— Racial Inequities in the Justice System” by Clarence M. Dunnaville, Jr. have many strengths. This governments document purpose is to enlighten people about the commission of law enforcement agencies, court systems, legislators and both federal and state governments and each responsibility in the criminal justice system. The author presented a detailed journal on disparate treatment occurring in the criminal justice system and how the system is not rational. Based on (2000) Journal it reveals findings of unequal systematic treatment of African American and Hispanic Americans and other minorities, as compared to their similarly situated …show more content…
BERG ET AL’s journal was well-written and with detailed statistical data models and facts to support the topic. The authors examined a sample of young black adults across neighborhoods in Georgia and Iowa. Neighborhoods used is this study varied in terms of their demographic characteristics, including racial composition and income. The authors used statistical data mainly from the Family and Community Health Study (FACHS), wherein they analyzed how the perceptions of negative police interactions, the neighborhood structural disadvantage and moral and legal cynicism. Their study formulated a series of hypotheses using dependent and independent variables to measure and focuses on the perceptions of injustice and if it has an ecological basis. The scholarly journal shared tested results with many regression models on pages 534-537. Research was also based on the opinions of many others regarding police interactions and the criminal justice system. The journal was insightful and used the terms Legal and moral cynicism throughout the entire research. Even though the journal is informative with a few weaknesses, for instance there were too many independent studies from others which seems to provide redundant data. But overall this journal has a good source of information and data that is useful for research.
The newspaper article “The Injustice of Case Bail” by Bryce Covert is a well written and informative article. As a popular source from the newspaper The Nation, this article does an excellent job of informing the public of the why pretrial detention is a major reason why the United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world. The author Covert (2017) said “Seventy percent of people in jail haven’t been convicted of a crime. They just can’t afford the bail”. Covert does a great job in this article by providing readers with real life experiences