Public Safety and law Enforcement organization have a very difficult job, and nothing brings this point to the forefront than reporting the different types of crimes that happen within there state. The research will give a brief history of the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR). We will also address reasons as to why the article is important to the Criminal Justice field.
Little Information about Uniform Crime Report (UCR) System
The Uniform Crime Report (UCR) is a well-known crime reporting system throughout the public safety, law enforcement, and other criminal justice field. Uniform Crime Report (UCR) is a system that was introduced and use by the FBI since 1930. The system is used to collects figures on seven offenses that are …show more content…
Thereby, the survey methods and the discriminate grouping such as non-reporting error, coverage error and the sampling error will need to have all agencies cooperation to address results of the survey categories, in order to make an impact on the reporting data, because as quickly as one data set is completed then another one will be right behind that one, and we will have to add another variable to the research which will change our pervious results of gaps in the reporting …show more content…
If this research data is not reported in a timely manner, then we will be right back where we were before, which would be counterproductive, and a waste of research funds. All agencies need to cooperate and send in their crime data to the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) system, so that we will be entered into the system as soon as possible. The whole point behind this research is to stop the sometime reporting from law enforcement and other agencies, and if we are able to get everyone to corporate, then we will be on the same page and there will be minimal gap on the reporting data verses massive gap on the reporting data. Our organization is only as accurate as our reporting data; therefore we need to make sure we comply with data reporting.
FBI — About the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program (2010). Retrieved from
Loftin, C., & McDowall, D. (2010) pp. 527 & 531. The Use of Official Records to Measure Crime and Delinquency. Journal Of Quantitative Criminology, 26(4), 527-532.