School uniforms offers a sense of belonging to the students and it lets the students become one united group, without anyone left behind. Everyone wearing the same uniform shows that they have spirit to becoming more educated. Students don't have to check out different kind of clothing, asking themselves what kind of clothing is popular. This will distract them from learning in school. Students will no longer have to waste their time choosing the kind of clothing that is perfect. School uniforms are designed to be comfortable and tidy to wear to school, and this will enhance the spirits of the students. It will provide order, so students can easily be spotted when there is a fire alarm. Students will be recognized when they do something bad to community, because the uniform shows which school they are from.
Wearing school uniforms make students look tidy and clean. We definitely don't want our children to wear gang colour clothing with profanities written all over. By wearing gang colours, this will increase the chances of having fights in schools. There are inappropriate and rude symbols on clothing all the time and we do not want that to happen, because it will damage the school's reputation and the children's desire to learn.
Second, we don't want to separate the social classes. For example, there are some rich kids who will spend a fortune on their clothing so they can show off to the rest, while there are other poor kids who can't afford nice clothing. They will eventually get picked on, and that is not a pretty sight. We don't want kids to be bullied due to their clothings. Everyone's personal experience is different. You may not have realized the bully happening around your school, but that doesn't mean