With more than 400 brands focused on health and wellbeing, Unilever touches so many people’s lives in so many different ways. There are more than 2 billion consumer worldwide use a product of Unilever on a given day. Its portfolio ranges from nutritionally balanced foods to indulgent ice creams, affordable soaps, luxurious shampoos and everyday household care products. Some world-leading brands of Unilever include Lipton, Knorr, Dove, Axe, Omo…
For Unilever, sustainability is integral to how they do business. With 7 billion people on planet, the earth’s resources can be strained. They believes that as a business, they have a responsibility to their consumers and to the communities in which they have a presence. Around the world, Unilever invests in local economies and develop people’s skills inside and outside of Unilever.
In 1995, Unilever started its business in Vietnam with a modern manufacturing site in Cu Chi Industrial Zone. Unilever Vietnam is actually a collection of three separate entities: Lever Vietnam joint venture headquartered in Hanoi, Elida P/S and Best Food Company located in Ho Chi Minh City. To date, Unilever has invested more than USD 300 millions in Vietnam specializing in Home and Personal Care brands, Oral Care products, Foods and Tea-based Beverages.
Through an extensive local network of 150 distributors and 200.000 retailers, Unilever Vietnam directly employs more than 1.500 people and creates nearly 10.000 indirect jobs who work in its third parties, suppliers and distributors.
Every day, over 30 million consumers use Unilever Vietnam’s products nationwide, contributing to improve the living condition, health and
References: Small becomes Giant. 2013. Unilever 's global strategy. [online] Available at: http://smallbecomesgiant.wordpress.com/2013/04/04/unilevers-global-strategy/ [Accessed: 15 Dec 2013]. Unilever Global. 2013. Our compass strategy | Sustainable living | Unilever Global. [online] Available at: http://www.unilever.com/sustainable-living/ourapproach/ourcompassstrategy/index.aspx [Accessed: 23 Dec 2013]. Unilever và Procter & Gamble so ke từng centimet. 2012. VNExpress, [online] 14th November. Available at: http://kinhdoanh.vnexpress.net/tin-tuc/quoc-te/unilever-va-procter--gamble-so-ke-tung-centimet-2738587.html [Accessed: 18 Dec 2013]. Unilever.com. 2013. Unilever at a glance. [online] Available at: http://www.unilever.com/aboutus/introductiontounilever/unileverataglance/ [Accessed: 17 Dec 2013]. Unilever.com.vn. 2013. The most successful foreign investor in Vietnam | About us | Vietnam. [online] Available at: http://www.unilever.com.vn/aboutus/mostsuccessfulforeigninvestorinvietnam/ [Accessed: 20 Dec 2013]. Well Begun, Not Yet Done: Vietnam’s Remarkable Progress on Poverty Reduction and the Emerging Challenges. 2013. [report] Ha Noi: World Bank Vietnam, pp. 9 - 10. Wilshaw, R., Do, C. and Pham, T. 2013. Labour Rights in Unilevers Supply Chain From Compliance towards Good Practices. [report] Ha Noi: Oxfam Vietnam, pp. 36 - 45. Worldbank.org. 2013. Poverty Reduction in Vietnam: Remarkable Progress, Emerging Challenges. [online] Available at: http://www.worldbank.org/en/news/feature/2013/01/24/poverty-reduction-in-vietnam-remarkable-progress-emerging-challenges [Accessed: 18 Dec 2013].